What Else Have You Used Your Car Storage Skates For.......



Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2011
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...other than for an out of control skate board?

They work pretty well for moving my pool table around while laying tile on the basement floor.

I used 2 of them to set a crate engine, in the crate on..... Its moved around a few times with that.
engines, transmissions, rear axle, my snow blower attachment for the tractor, my 2 post lift while I was making room to install it.
hell I think we have 2 or 3 sets of them now. cant even remember the last car that was actually on them....LOL
I gave my dad a set and made wooden V blocks so he could put his 32ft pontoon boat in his garage when he went back to Florida for the winter. He loved it
A 833 4-speed fits perfect on the "V" to move it around.
4 of them with a few blocks of wood to keep a pick up body off the ground and easily moved until I sold it.
It’s been a long time since I’ve seen metal trucks. What a feeling on asphalt. Sir you dated yourself..... lol!
They were the BOMB at one time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where do you think I got my strong legs from?? It takes a lot of power to push those things on rough concrete....and uphill, super strong legs!!
How random is this?

I saved it to roll a rim on the workbench with a motor and a belt so it could rotate while I was polishing it, like a dryer drum.
Your family must have been rich if you had old dressers!!!!????????
Haha, not rich at all. My grandparents and parents all made it through the Great Depression. They threw nothing away that had a possibility of being used for something else. My parents had a two car garage that was filled to the rafters with stuff such as used aluminum foil, paper bags, old televisions, radios, car parts, broken furniture, an old upright piano (nobody in the house played), etc.
Haha, not rich at all. My grandparents and parents all made it through the Great Depression. They threw nothing away that had a possibility of being used for something else. My parents had a two car garage that was filled to the rafters with stuff such as used aluminum foil, paper bags, old televisions, radios, car parts, broken furniture, an old upright piano (nobody in the house played), etc.
My Dad was the same way, grew up during the Depression, he saved everything. When he died it took me many, many days to clean out the house. Luckily it wasn't a big house so there was limited room/space but they added on a section in the 80s and that section was impassable.
I had the notion to use them to pull the Dart into the garage while on the rotisserie, but I didn't need to. Plan A worked out (for once in my life)