What ever you do, don't stop and check on a deer that you hit, lol.

That deer was so disoriented it had no idea where it was or what it was doing.
It wasn't even an attack.
Poor thing.
could be worse...

on a side note, did I ever tell yall about my friend from florida?
she had moved up to Michigan over 10 years ago and had never ever seen a deer
so whenever we were together in places where deer tend to wander around

well, one day we were out at tunnel park and I spotted one
so I said, look Anna, there's one right there

so she looks over and starts saying "ooh" and "aah" and here comes this chevy blazer and nailed it
so this deer gets kicked over to the side of the road, and the driver parks a little while down the road and he calls the cops

they must have been close because two minutes later, here comes a sheriff
he first went over to the deer, looked it over and then drug it behind the tree line

next thing I head is one single shot
and out comes the sheriff...alone

and that was the first time she ever saw a deer...and the last time she asked to see one
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