what happened to Swingers in 1973?


Mr. Charlie

New Member
Jul 5, 2005
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I have a 73 Swinger (318). I have a few questions about 73s that might be easy for a lot of y'all.

-it has the "new" 5 mph bumpers in front. In back too?

-was a 340 made in the Swinger model in 73 or was it just available in a Demon?

-I thought it would be easy to find but I haven't found the horsepower of a stock 318...anybody know it or where to look?

Mr. Charlie
70 was the last yr for the 340 dart (canadian made). the performance shifted to the deamon. but theres lots of customs. oh they made like 50 total for a couple of canadian dealers. try allpar for specs
Mr. Charlie said:
-it has the "new" 5 mph bumpers in front. In back too?

-was a 340 made in the Swinger model in 73 or was it just available in a Demon?

My experience was with the Challengers, I was looking in '73, wound up buying a '74 model.

I think the bumpers for all models (all mfgs for that matter) were that the 5 MPH requirement kicked in for the front in '73, then was extended to the rear in '74.

In the E-bodies, the 340 was the HP option in '73, but they went to the 360 in '74. I think I've seen '74 Darts with the 360, I'd have to defer to someone with more A-body experience for the '73 options.

HTH, Jay
I knew I could get some help from you guys. Thanks for all the info. And now I know why my 73 Swinger is not listed sometimes on sites that cover "muscle" cars. I suppose, to the purist, the last Dart coupe with muscle was in 1970. I even saw a 73 Swinger on this site that had been converted to a 1970. Well, I guess I am not a purist because my 318 Dart looks very cool and is a whole heck of a lot faster than my Subaru!
hey Mr.Charlie, do like i did on my 73 dart sport take them big hunks of rubber off the bumpers and put in bumper bolts makes it look110% better.