What is a funny movie to watch for our "date" night?



Thread Killer
Jul 2, 2012
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My girlfriend and I are going to do a "date night in" tonight. We are going to get a pizza and kick back to watch some movies. I was thinking about picking up a new movie or two to watch.

I was wondering if you guys had any recommendations for a new funny (comedy) movie? Have you guys seen anything good lately?
I saw Ted it was good,more for male humor though.My wife didn't like it beacause Ted sounded like Peter Griffen.

I saw the movie The Brides Maids even though it was a chick flick I thought it was funny.
Idiocracy. A few years old but has a large cult following. Written by mike judge of Bevis and butt head. But not a Bevis
and Butt Head type movie.
The Passion......... It's actually quite funny that people flipped out because of this poorly-faked non-sexual snuff film (because a religious celebration it is most definitely NOT).

Depending on your girlfriend's sense of humor, I'd say try "The Dictator," or "That's My Boy," or "The Campaign..." "The Campaign" is actually pretty good, mainly because it's more a Zach Galifinakis movie and less a Will Ferrel movie. Honestly, I can't stand most of Ferrel's movies. I never liked him on SNL either.

Personally, I'm avoiding "Ted" because Seth MacFarlane really wore-out his "comedy" styling with Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show, and the 90 other same-****-different-pile shows he's created in the past 4 years. I honestly just don't find it funny anymore... There's only so much "Oh man, remember this 80's thing?" you can take before you just want to punch him in his fat face and walk away.

- CK
Depending on your girlfriend's sense of humor, I'd say try "The Dictator," or "That's My Boy," or "The Campaign..." "The Campaign" is actually pretty good, mainly because it's more a Zach Galifinakis movie and less a Will Ferrel movie. Honestly, I can't stand most of Ferrel's movies. I never liked him on SNL either.

Personally, I'm avoiding "Ted" because Seth MacFarlane really wore-out his "comedy" styling with Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show, and the 90 other same-****-different-pile shows he's created in the past 4 years. I honestly just don't find it funny anymore... There's only so much "Oh man, remember this 80's thing?" you can take before you just want to punch him in his fat face and walk away.

- CK
strange-I completely agree about McFarlane (except that he never 'wore out' with me- I wanted to punch him in the face the first time I saw something he did) but it's Galifinakis I can't stand.

I'll throw in a mention for Our Idiot Brother- I thought it was pretty good.
Since you may be young, a couple of older funny movies:
Mars Attacks
the original Blues Brothers
the Pink Panther movies with Peter Sellers (but not the original one)
damn near any Peter Sellers movie, Being There is another good one
Woody Allen made some good comedy in the early 70's, but you would have had to have been there to get most of it...
Some of the Monty Python stuff
More recently, I had fun watching the last Dark Shadows movie...
it's not at all funny....sixth sense...and watch it till the end. she'll be sitting VERY close for most of it!
The 1999 movie "The Bachelor" with Chris O'Donnell/Renee Zelweger was pretty funny. It was more of a guy's type of movie than I thought it would be. Don't rule it out, unless you just don't like the actors. Ane even older movie, "Housesitter" with Steve Martin/Goldie Hawn was a movie I always liked. Maybe Netflix would have them, I 'm not sure.
I'd go with one of the Hollywood classics, something that gives you more than simple lunacy. It's "Date night", not beer-bust with the guys.
It has some nudity in it, but Heartbreak Kid with Ben Stiller was funny as hell!
After the Sunset. Pierce Brosnan,Selma Hayek,Woody Harrellson.A romantic comedy about jewel thirds being chased by a ex FBI agent ,with a vandetta.No nudity, some slapstick,and a touch of romance.Beautiful tropical island background.
My reccomendation is Baby's Day Out i swear i have never laughed thruout an entire movie,no nudity,cursing,guns ect, plenty of [accidents] to the bad guys [caused by a cute little baby] i have seen this movie twice and LMAO till i cried.
Zombieland, Super Troopers, Beerfest, Shaun of the Dead, Monty Python and the Holy Grail (though I've noticed many females don't dig on their flavor of comedy), Starship Troopers, Office Space, Hot Fuzz, Canadian Bacon, and who can forget the all-time single greatest movie of all time ever forever of everything: THE BIG LEBOWSKI!!!! :D

- CK