What is, or would be your cb handle?


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
So I'm really digging the 70s trucker scenes depicted in movies like convoy and smokey and the bandit.

I started thinking about what a cool handle would be.

I first thought my handle could be "rain dancer"
But then I thought, nah, that makes me sound like a stripper and I sure am not.

Then I thought "rain godess" with this mural on the hood of a mack truck.

I'm just having fun with this. I am NOT a trucker, nor do I even own a Cb radio. I'm just really getting into the old trucker movies from the 70s lol.

What would yours be, if you don't already have a real one??

I drove long haul for a few years back in the 80's. My handle back then was Crackerjack Kid.
gummy. cause my dentures are in the drawer so nothing happens too them and if something does, anyone can take them to the dentist for repair.
when thay stopped calling dad carolina ridgerunner and started calling him carolina crazy horse,..thay hung "lil colt" on me till i got big nuff to start driving then thay changed it up a little to lil crazy hoss and i lived with that till i came off long haul and went local got married had couple kids got divorced and started playing with dirt track race cars thay hung dirty white boy on me, the best cb handles are the ones your running buddys hang on ya!!
I was always "Rob" on the CB. I still have a nice vintage Realistic Navaho 40 channel and an Antron 99 antenna. And a few other things.
From now on after any one of us replies to @RustyRatRod we will end the conversation with “10-4 nice boobs”.
Can we all agree on that?
Back in the 70's when I first bought the beat up FJ-40 Landcruiser, it had a worn out 283 swapped in. That, for the uninformed, made it a Toy-olet. "Toilet." So one of the women in the club insisted I was the "Tidy bowl man." And that was THAT
We had a mild CB resurgence here back when I was driving my sh__ty lookin' Trans Am and everyone knew if they were a boy or girl. I call the car the "Trans Ain't" and it Trans-ferred to me until I sold the car. Its replacement was a Y1 Charger Rallye 340 and I became "Big Yella" which I used well after that car was gone.
I haven't been on-air in a long time, but back when I was doing a lot of long-distance driving I wouldn't leave the driveway with my boobs... er, I mean ears on. Way better than a radar detector back then (but I had one anyhow), and I was prone to running pretty damned hard at the time. By that time I was driving a really-clapped-out '72 Charger SE and switched to "Junkyard", which I'd still use if I were squawkin'.
Waaaaayyyyyy back in the mid 70s we had a set in the house and one in my mom's car, don't remember what her handle was, but for a brief time mine was "tennis shoe". No particular reason, just the first thing that came to mind. These days it would probably be Sasquatch or Bigfoot if I was still into it.
Couple of side stories.

I had had some problems with TV interference sometime back and had an old CB downstairs. So I brought it up so I could connect to my amateur antenna(s) and listen around. Turns out it was a CBer up the street more than a mile that was jackin up my TV

Now, this was in the early days of analog cellular, and I had an amateur VHF transceiver, which had a "secret menu" you could invoke, and listen up on the 800mhz cell freqs. This is before Congress made that illegal, which is another story

Anyhow I was pokin around one Saturday and here's a phone conversation about picking up "some lids" for a party and I thought "this is JUST too good to lose." I could not decide what else to do so I picked up the CB laying there and keyed the mike, rebroadcasting the cell conversation over channel 8--where some local kids hung out. Turns out one of the girls on there KNEW WHO IT WAS looking for the "lids"!!!


The above kids called themselves the "channel 8 gang" and I guess maybe they did little harm. Kids, 4x4's drinking, parties. At the time I had the "skud missile" a 78 Ford LTD II with a HUGE home built amateur antenna and an Icom 751A on a home made mount in the center console. It was a fairly large radio to go mobile with.


Anyhow, I was parked in a local lot eating a burger, and listening to "the bunch" on 75 meters, and I see some of the "channel 8 gang" over behind me with a couple of rigs and some kids, and here comes one of them up to the car. He asked me "do I work for the FCC??" LOLOL

Yeh, right. I'm FCC and driving a beater 10 year old Ford with the vinyl roof peeled off


More on the guy causing interference. As I said, I'd dragged a CB upstairs trying to figure out what was jacking my TV and had id'd the house where this was coming from. One night I was screwin around and the TV starts acting up so I went into the "radio shack" and there he was. I had (still have) a little military amplifier that will output an honest 900W all the way from 2--30 mhz. So I just loaded that girl up and keyed 'er down for about 30 seconds. Things got MIGHTY quiet for quite awhile. This guy was only 1--1 1/2 miles or so away, so it must have really knocked his receiver on it's ***


Military Delcon T-210. Uses 3 - 4CX-150 or 250B tubes, vacuum tuning capacitors. Not very many built
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