What is your Caffeine Fix?

thats about it LOL .........you'll have to excuse me for a minute.

i love my crack cocaine in a cup. its what gets me through the day
You really went there 1st some guy talks ford now you talk crack whats the would coming to lmao
Strong Coffee, nothing added to it. The kind that will A : Cause your hair to stand on end, B : Cause time to stop.

Once upon a time, I would knock back 14 - 16 cups of coffee a day. A few of my friends asked me if my blood could be used as Racing Fuel :D One day I was watching Futurama with my best friend, after we had degreased the 318 engine block for his car and this episode was on. He immediately says to me "Is that what the world looks like to you?"

[ame="http://youtu.be/C9Ef0ErCU1c"]302 Found[/ame]

Now I'm down to maybe 4 cups of coffee a day
Love the smell of coffee brewing, but never have liked the taste of it. Smells especially good very first thing in the morning when your out camping (childhood memories).
Don't use any type of morning "get-me-going" stuff. Generally don't eat anything during the work week until mid-morning, then water through the day - except for my Diet Dr. Pepper with lunch.
Lol I'm at least 4 cups and yes its two then poop rofl the lady bought me this for my birthday. I use a Hawaiian hazelnut coffee black as night.dad always said it ain't coffee if it don't leave film on your teeth.


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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61kHpmenkT8"]The Simpsons - All Syrup Super Squishy Bender - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd654Pglc-c"]Bart Trippin on sugar - YouTube[/ame]
No coffee no energy drinks no nothing for me. I drink water all day and try to eat healthy and that's all I need. Alarm goes off and I'm ready to go. :)


I'm naturally energetic. When I wake up, I'm up. I don't need coffee, I don't drink those harmful energy drinks, and I don't smoke.
When I was in the Navy and I had to be up, whether it was for a watch or studying for a test, I would eat a King Size Snickers and chase it with a 20oz bottle of Jolt Cola. I think my teeth would be vibrating after that. Nowadays, I drink Pepsi. That's good enough for me. I never have been a coffee drinker, but my dad is a two or three pot a day person. I think maybe that's why I don't drink it.
When I was in the Navy and I had to be up, whether it was for a watch or studying for a test, I would eat a King Size Snickers and chase it with a 20oz bottle of Jolt Cola. I think my teeth would be vibrating after that. Nowadays, I drink Pepsi. That's good enough for me. I never have been a coffee drinker, but my dad is a two or three pot a day person. I think maybe that's why I don't drink it.

Do they even make Jolt cola anymore?
my neighbour roasts and sells coffee at the local farmers' market.
27 varieties....
i buy my coffee on a day he is roasting beans and only grind about 3 days at a time
2 cups in the morning and i'm good.....i'm so spoiled
a 32 oz Bodum Chambourd french press full with either Dunkins or Starbucks dark, then I leave for work. Works out to two large cups, strong,sweet and creamy with 1/2 and 1/2. Gets a little gritty at the bottom. I'm zingin til lunch. :p
Stick my head under the tub faucet and wash my hair each morning. Wakes my butt up and my hair looks better to boot. I tend to shower at night, I can wash my hair and have it half dry with the blower in 10 mins

Been doing it since I was a teenager, still have a full head of hair. No caffeine for me till afternoon if then. Coffee, yuck
I wake up to 4 cups of Island Goat. tmm


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6 cups of coffee in the morning.....and another 8-12 at work throughout the day.....and im still tired.....uuuuuuuuugh!!!!!!!!!