what ive been missing out on fabo for.



Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Reaction score
Eureka,Ca Humboldt
so about a couple weeks ago i asked my cuz if he would do the vynal in my grandmas bathroom. sadly it turned out to be alot more then that. i guess with old houses (victorians) ppl say that anytime u do something ur opening up a can of worms and thats exactly what we did.

first day: pulled toilet and rip up old vynal well under that was 2 layers of old asbestos flooring and we found a major issue underlayment donerd turned to mush who did it last time used sponge board(partical board) pull that up and by the end of the day we had half the sub floor missing all the underlayment.

day two: cleaning and replacing subfloor and called a plumber to take a look make sure evreything was cool that was a mistake a 750dollar mistake turned out over the years and my grandma having plumbers out they never told her that evrey drain pipe was disconnected and just going under the house.that pisdsed me off!so the plumber said he'll redo evrey bit of the bathroom for 750.

day three: putting in the new underlayment and preping for the vynal.plumber finished

day four: doing the template for the vynal and cutting the vynal amd laying it in.and set the toilet for the last time.after rebuilding the whole tank whitch was my favorite part lol.

tomarrow is the last day put in the rubber base and done bam brand new room basicly with a free floating floor:cheers:

but thats what ive bveen up to srry for not being up with the fabo world ill do my homework and catch up
I thought you had to call in professionals to handle any type of asbestos.Maybe flooring is different.No airborne dust from it?That's the killer part they say.As long as your ok,I guess everything went well.8)
a little wont kill you. its when you work in an asbestos mine everyday that starts to screw ya up. hehe
Kinda like asbestos shingling on a house. In NYS if you hire a contractor to do new siding then they have to treat it as hazmat and tent the place, put on the suits, haul it off with permits, etc. If you do it yourself you can strip the house and bury the crap in your backyard. Funny how that all works, isn't it?
63 that sounds about right. On my jobs, I estimate my time and material costs. Then I use this formula that over my many years and many projects has been pretty spot on.

time x 3
money x 2

Good for you helping your Grandma. Family comes first.

Regarding asbestos, the danger is breathing in the particles. Even a little IF it gets into your lungs WILL harm you. Removing a small section of flooring shouldn't be a problem to do yourself if you wear a mask. Tearing large amounts out of walls and ceilings, causing particles to become airborne, that is dangerous.
well it wasnt fun but we did have masks on flooring doesnt matter here if it has asbestos or not we can take it to the dump cause really we had no ide if it was asbestos but we went through 3 layers of vynal and my grandmas only had 1 put it so the other 2 layers where more then 50yrs old and from what ive learned they used to use it alot in flooring.

gonna finish up today my grandma was not pleased with the money she had to folk out. till i told her what was happening straight up there not trying to rip u off then she kinda got scared that the room was like that for so long.

anyone else ever had any plumbers never tell u pipes under ur house r draining on the ground lol?
Did you take pics of the process. That sounds like some job. Good job helpin your Grandma:cheers: