what so you think it is worth

I agree, if it's solid, $800-$1500 is reasonable. Actually, if it's truly solid, then that's low.
By the way, I didn't demand that you get more pics, I just said we couldn't give a more accurate assessment of value without better pics. There's a difference there. If you can't get better pics for whatever reason, no big deal. I think you have a good idea of price range now. If I could pick up a solid and complete '70 Dart 2 door for $1500, I'd pick up any number of them that people bring me. If solid except for a small patch(es) behind rear wheels like most 40 year old cars need, I think you'd be stealing it at $800-$1000 or even $1500 for that matter. Again, good luck!
72 Dogde I wasn't responding to you about the pcs but somebody else said I was being lazy which I wasn't I did not want the owner's neighbors coming out and saying anything to me or calling the police for a strange man looking at the car and taking pics of it. I just wanted to snap some quick pics with my phone w/o being obvious. The guy's wife seemed anxious to sell it. The guy not so much but did seem like he would seriously consider it. I guess he has been contemplating what to do with it since it was his aunt's. It may have sentimental value. I will respond in a few weeksor months and let you know if I got it or not. Thanks for everyone's help.
The guy's wife seemed anxious to sell it.

there's your in. show up with cash next time you go.

keep up on the car though. the wife may pester the guy to sell. and the next guy that shows up and asks may just get it.. if that next guy isn't you then you lose out. have seen it happen many many times.
Exactly what abodyjoe said. Another thing that usually works in situations like this is to say that you want to bring it back to great condition and really take care of it, and that it would be appreciated. All that is true, and when someone has that sort of family attachment to a car, but it's really not something they need either, that is often enough to get them to take the last step to selling it.

The wife wanting him to get rid of it is definitely motivation though. And if a 70 is sitting out in the driveway, it's only a matter of time before others notice it and/or word gets around about it. Oh, and the fact that you've posted it up here with the general location. Good chance it'll be gone by spring. Cash in your pocket with a decent offer, and get it into your driveway ASAP.
70/71 Dart. Depending on two tail lights and not four. It has 70/71 side marker lights. I didnt cover the thread real good but if it dont run most likely something simple like points and plugs. My 'Spidey Sense' is tingling though. It appears that car has been sitting and its wet. If its been there awhile the gas tank and gas line could be toast. Brakes may be pretty mushy too or not working at all. Sure signs the car has been sitting. If thats the case fuel and brake system will need to be updated along with the carb. After that the other things that plague a sitting car will need attention. A complete tune up, new hoses and clamps, themostat, belts and then a little summing up the shocks, tires, and tie rods etc. Basically it depends on what you want to do. You can cut some corners to drive it but you will be under the car or hood every time you crank the engine for the most part. Since the weather is turning crappy this would be a good canidate for them upgrades I listed. At least if it was my car thats what I would be doing. Less is more on this car however there isnt many left that are not priced through the roof and not many that need no work. This looks to be an affordable Dart worth saving but I would have to be in the 1K to 2K range depending on all the conditions of said items and exactly what the underside of the car and the lower body panels look like. Go ahead, buy it. OR I WILL!!!!
Thanks guys I will definately be keeping up on it . Probably after the holidays I will go back. I just spent a lot of money on my project truck so I got to get some funds quickly. My friend may also want it too so as long as one of us gets it I will be happy. Definately can't let it slip thru my hands.

This was actually a good day for finding cars. I also found a Dodge Omni GLH Turbo too . Not as desirable as a classic A- body but still a cool little car with a low production #. I am looking into that as well. I was on the turbo-mopar website and supoosedly you can't find them anywhere on the east coast w/o seriuosly look hard for one.
I looked at the pictures again. Its a 70 and that gutter runoff hose goes right under the car. That cars been sitting and there has been alot of moisture draining under that car. I bet most of what I listed will be in need of repair. Still a good looking car and worth what I posted. How far is this car from Chicago? May be worth the trip? Just kidding but it is worth fixing up and driving. Keep on this guy. Dont come on too strong with a big wad of cash. Ask him what it will take to get this home for a restore to its former glory? Counter his offer and buy it!! Remember, when you snooze, you lose! Cash is King. Dont wait for the holidays to pass. Firm up a price, drop a deposit and conclude business after the holidays, (or the 21st of December or this car may float right by you when the gravity quits!!) And its been posted now. Surely other a body guys got their butt cheeks a bit tighter and the wives a bit madder telling them they could get this car CHEAP!!!!
Oh yeah, all the other stuff Chaz mentioned too, it will need to be safe and reliable. I think I must have put close to $1000 into my '72 to get it driveable, and that was without tires (I already had some usable tires). EDIT: maybe it was closer to only $600 without tires. Either way, I don't really want to think about it.

You'd need to decide what you want to do with it. Leave it as a /6 driver, or put a V8 in it. If you decide you want to put a V8 in it, my advice would be don't bother with ANY of that stuff, just upgrade the front brakes to discs, and the rear, then do the V8 swap. Reason I say that is because all the $ you will put into getting it going as a /6 car is down the toilet once you do the swap, unless you have another car to use them on. Hardly any of it is the same, and no one will give you squat for it later, even if it's all close to as new. I almost wish I hadn't sunk the $ into mine as a /6 because now I feel I have to get quite a bit of use out of it before doing the swap to make it worthwhile. It'll be cheaper to cruise in for awhile though, so whatever. Anyway, that's my thoughts from someone who picked up a car nearly exactly like what you found there.

In case you're wondering, the reason Chaz and I can tell it's a 70 and not a 71 is because of the position of the emblems on the quarters rather than on the fenders.

Anyway, none of that matters until you get in your (or your friends') driveway!
Secret Santa should send you a digital camera! If he doesnt I will.....Good luck. Check under it before you make an offer when its dry.