what stall should i use


Pirate duster

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2012
Reaction score
i have a real healthy 318 with a 727 behind it. i dont have a tach. yet. with that in mind, when my car is in gear and im holding down the brakes, it wants to constantly lunge forward. Any suggestions on what stall convertor i should use or any advice other than get a tach.?
You need to know the idle speed. sounds like vacuum leak, or bad carb, timing off, weights sticking...
well, i have the motor out right now, getting ready to put it back in, but i had it all checked out after i bought the car. I'm thinking that the convertor on a 727 is like in the range of 1900 stall. not really sure though. people i personally know keep saying i need about a 2500 or close to that. My car is far from done. i want to finish the drivetrain before i move on. my wiring is a mess too, which is why i dont have a tach in yet. thats another problem, but, is there some kind of rule of thumb on this issue?
When looking at converters there are many things to consider.

Engine specs
Rear gearing
Weight of car
Intended usage

You might get by with an off the shelf converter, but it's better to have a converter manufacturer spec one out for you.

With all that said, it really sounds like something isn't quite right as mentioned above.
yeah. see, i had a buddy that has a lot of time on his hands put a new overhaul gasket set on the motor about 2 weeks ago, and he never got any numbers or the bore for me or anything that i asked him to do. i dont want to have to pay for another gasket set. But, just for my personal knowledge, should i not need a stall convertor at all for a 318/727 combo? or what do you think it would cost for a shop to go thru it, and get all the information i need?