What the hell is wrong with people?



Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
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Winnipeg, MB
I just received the news that my business partner's sister died in a car accident outside of Grand Forks last night. She was a nurse, and was returning home from her evening shift on Hwy 2, in the dense fog, when she ran into a pickup truck parked facing the wrong way in her lane with it's lights off.

Her boyfriend, a paramedic on call, was awakened and called to the scene. Apparently the firetrucktard in the truck had been drinking earlier, got in a fight with his girlfriend, and decided to end it all by getting hit head on. Of course the arse survived. It must have been devastating to both her boyfriend and hospital workers who had to treat the bastard who killed their co-worker and friend.

May he burn in hell..


Wow..... Talk about selfish. Apparently nothing matters to this guy except himself.

My condolences to all involved.
firetrucking SENSELESS , wow man that is unreal, that dude should face a slow and painful, beating death, sorry to hear ...
The worst part is they'll dole out some punishment that will be the equivalent of sending him to his room. Some asshole lawyer will plead that "living with what he's done is punishment enough".
Sad we have people like this in our country. If I was one of those hospital workers I would helped him with his wish but if he spent the rest of his worthles life in jail with some real bad guys maybe that would be better.
I watched (counted them ) 13 cars make a left turn on a green arrow with an ambulance that was trying to get throught the intersection (lights sirens and all) and not one of the aholes stopped to let it get through, and the last car ran the red left arrow even.

Selfish, impatient, dumba**, morons.
Thanks guys. I'm sure it was hard on her boyfriend to let him live. I know I would not have allowed that to happen.

i just find it unbelievable that instead of just shooting himself in the head or running himself off a steep embankment, he would choose to take an innocent person with him, and then live to tell about it. it is just so incredible how sensless it all is. hopefully this guy will get his.
So sorry for your loss. Want to take yourself out hit a bridge column like a friend did decades ago.
The worst part is they'll dole out some punishment that will be the equivalent of sending him to his room. Some asshole lawyer will plead that "living with what he's done is punishment enough".

Hopefully they will be able to send him to jail for a long time, so he can live with what he has done for punishment every day for a long, long, long time. Hopefully "Bubba" will thing he's real cute and make him his "special friend"...

If the MF wants to die, fine. Just keep everybody else out of it.

Since he did it this way, they should argue that this was pre meditated murder and give him the same sentence as a killer/murderer. Like life with no parole.. No death penalty as that is what he wanted in the first place.
It's a shame that a semi didn't take his @ss out first...
There ya go.

Since he did it this way, they should argue that this was pre meditated murder and give him the same sentence as a killer/murderer. Like life with no parole.. No death penalty as that is what he wanted in the first place.
It's a shame that a semi didn't take his @ss out first...

I have to say....... we were just up there, in that area last year in Aug.
picking up some mopar part's car's, and I can tell you it can be very far in between town's and house's, ton's of farm field's, etc. and I can definately
understand it (can) would be hard to see, lot's of water and marsh's and it does get very foggy up there, cause we drove through alot of it. Hopefully this idiot animal get his, just like (Krazykuda said). Sincere prayer's out to the
family and to all who knew this young lady. Sorry for the loss.
The worst part is they'll dole out some punishment that will be the equivalent of sending him to his room. Some asshole lawyer will plead that "living with what he's done is punishment enough".

Don't be so sure, the US really cracks down on drunk drivers/ can't recall just where I seen it this week but I did read about a 3rd time drunk driver who got 3 to 10 years in prison--nobody was hurt, it was just his 3rd time and he did have a record for minor crimes in the past.

Some places would charge this guy with murder and give him life.

The USA has the highest % of its people in jail or on probation. The days of a slap on the wist is over with. Now Canada, that is a different story.

What should-needs to happen is ALL new cars sold should come with something to detect if the driver is drunk. There is still way too many folks drinking and driving over the limit everyday--many don't get caught until something bad happens
I watched (counted them ) 13 cars make a left turn on a green arrow with an ambulance that was trying to get throught the intersection (lights sirens and all) and not one of the aholes stopped to let it get through, and the last car ran the red left arrow even.

Selfish, impatient, dumba**, morons.

Heck up here in Michigan just the whisper of a siren gets 2/3 of the drivers to slow down. Maybe those Mexicans drive much different, lol

Up here some people just stop-don't move over, just stop blocking the police or ambulance. They don't even get pulled over afterward.

I don't know what happen but the skill of many drivers have gone way down the past 20 years. I'm guessing this delay of letting teenagers drive might be responsible, or it is their cell phones, etc.