What to do with people who back out deals



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
May 23, 2010
Reaction score
Missouri City, TX
What do you do with someone who makes a deal with you, you talk about it over the phone, they send you there Pay Pal then hours later says I sold it to someone else? Slime

Dont do business with FIREVIKE
I don't know your conversations. But I'm betting there is the other side of the story also. I would point out, that in your statement alone.
they send you there Pay Pal then hours later
You seem to have taken your time "hours" to make the payment. Maybe, just maybe he felt like, within your conversations, you were going to make a more immediate payment. When you didn't. He sold it to someone else.

But, correct, not cool.
I don't know your conversations. But I'm betting there is the other side of the story also. I would point out, that in your statement alone.
You seem to have taken your time "hours" to make the payment. Maybe, just maybe he felt like, within your conversations, you were going to make a more immediate payment. When you didn't. He sold it to someone else.

But, correct, not cool.
He sent me the wrong pay pal address. He sent the correct on at 11:00PM. I am asleep, I see it the next morning when I am at the hospital with my wife. By the time I get home at noon he already sold it. He had my phone number. Pretty crappy I think. No delay on my part
Well, some people are more in a hurry than others i think. I have had pretty good luck on this forum. I do seem to remember a guy telling me his buddy wants the parts or something that I was trying to make a deal on , that was ok, i didn't give him any $$$ and i figured something else would turn up, as far as the parts..it did. patience is key, I have paid for parts that I am waiting on shipping or to pick up, I think I have three items Im waiting on now...but I figure ill hear from the folks or the box will show up...Not sure what to do if you get screwed other than make it known on the forums so no one else does.
Stuff like this just happens. I responded to a 'For Sale' ad by a member advertising a part plus shipping. I simply asked if he would throw in the shipping for the parts price. Rather than a 'no', or 'I'd rather not', or 'hell no', I got a tirade about me being a cheapskate and how dare I ask such a thing of him. Stuff like this happens.
Tirades usually mean not feeling well or on medication or hungover or..or...or... I imagine its work to sell, and then run around doing shipping, it takes time especially if you work full time. Like said I am patient, i could buy something monday if the seller says "Ill ship on saturday" , im usually cool as long as they do what they say the are going to do...
All kin
Stuff like this just happens. I responded to a 'For Sale' ad by a member advertising a part plus shipping. I simply asked if he would throw in the shipping for the parts price. Rather than a 'no', or 'I'd rather not', or 'hell no', I got a tirade about me being a cheapskate and how dare I ask such a thing of him. Stuff like this happens. View attachment 1715817861

All kinds of nasty people out there.
I think someone gave him more money and he reneged on our deal. He mentioned in one post how many inquiries he got. I just got there first.
Always possible and it sucks. Could even be as simple as him/her not having to box it up and ship it. Saves that person time and money. But it don't necessarily make it right.
People get that way when they NEED to sell...which is always the worst time TO sell. When they're desperate... they won't honor any verbal/typed contract or agreement ...and are only loyal to the almighty dolla!
People get that way when they NEED to sell...which is always the worst time TO sell. When they're desperate... they won't honor any verbal/typed contract or agreement ...and are only loyal to the almighty dolla!
Shoot me if I ever get that desperate.
Why I only buy from members I know, guys who have been active forum members and have good feedback.... Ive had members ask me to do family and friends on PP and I tell them I only do business to business put I will gladly pay them the extra PP charge.
I never once had a problem buying, but I dont play games, when a item comes up, I pay immediately.