what to do with the six



May 26, 2008
Reaction score
Hey guys,
I have a slant six in my 73' dart swinger and by the looks of it hasn't been touched since the day it came out of the factory. It runs, but i would like to restore it to its greatest once again...or atleast get it runnin cleaner. I'm puttin new spark plugs in it tomorro and it already has a new 1bbl carb. Any opinions on where to start or what to do next? Also i wanted to get this six mean if you get what i'm saying so any ideas or thoughts on how to do that would be awesome.
Thanks, Brandon
Alo-ha!!! Did I say that right or did I just say that your cats stuck in a tree? I'd do a full tune up on it and see how it runs, if it runs good I'd start adding a few performance parts.. Back in the day some of the mean slant sixes ran pretty good.. I'm pretty sure theres a slant six forum on the web-site, those guys an gals will know every trick in da book to get your six souped up.. Good luck with it...
Thanks for the advice and website, and yes you said that right....well you can take out the - in alo-ha :)
I will keep you guys updated