What to do with the stripes...



Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
Nova Scotia
We have semi gloss stripes on the car.

The company that we had do the install (have been around for ever) said not to get any wax on them ...we just waxed as closest to them as possible but it is somewhat of a pain..

What do you normal do with your stripes ?
I just put up with it being a pain. If you've ever gotten wax on a non-gloss surface you already know that it's almost impossible to get rid of the swirl marks. I don't get really anal about waxing every inch of those cars. I try to stay at least an inch away from the non-gloss surfaces.
There was a clear liquid wax that our Ford dealer recommended for the stripes on our Mustang. I can't remember what it was now.... :banghead: :banghead:
I have some Ipone wax that I used to use for our plastic on our bikes...was wondering if that would work...and yup, I know you cannot get the white out...that is why we went with a satin vs a matte for the black stripe..
Harley (Pig Spit)cleans the wax off stuff you don't want it on. Works good a can get it on any surface,Paint,chrome, black engine parts,plastic .
I use some masking tape run the tape on your pant first to diminish the stickiness of it and tape off the stripe w or w/o paper. It makes it a lot easier to wax right up to the edge.