What to use for surface rust?



SoCal Mopar Guy
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
I finally got the bumper sticker that the previous owner had stuck to the deck lid :angry4: and found that there is surface rust where the sticker had been. I'm not going to be able to afford a paint job for a while, but I want to stop the rust right away. What should I use to take the rust off, before I spray some primer on to stop it from coming back?

Thanks for the info!

how bad is it?

post a picture.

but i would sand it down until its clearly gone and rust inhibiter or nutralizer is cheap and it works.

or just sand it down with some fine grit and rattle on some rust proofing primer..

i think..
Use some 180 grit paper and then coat it with some epoxy primer and it will never come back!
I have some surface rust in the truck will this spread even if I do not get it wet. I just bought the car and this is the only rust and will not be out in the rain kept in garage