what under coating did you use?



Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
Mason, MI
I want to spray the underside of my car with some good under coating. Whats a good brand that will leave some what of a texture close to the old stuff?
lord sprayable seam sealer.
you have to have the factory gun ,which i do have.
I use bed liner.undercoat ,works great and looks ,very dark outcome

bedliner here too, i used undercoating on the valiant thinking it might be stronger but got nic'ed up easyly even after cleaning and wire brush aspen i used dupli-color bedliner roll and brush on in a qrt can works waaaay better its got nic's too but nothling like the undercoating.

awnsering ur other question the bedliner leaves a good texture like stock when u put on think with the rubber texture roller
I can tell you if it's coming out of an aerosol can and not a body shutz gun, it'll be thin and whimpy.
My paint guy used a "special" coating. then charged me way too much. Sure does look like bed liner to me.
Mine is by car brite, does not have the texture of factory, but is paintable and after close to 10 years no complaints
I can tell you if it's coming out of an aerosol can and not a body shutz gun, it'll be thin and whimpy.

Like many other things, I don't think today undercoating products are same as they used to be. I know I used stuff out of a can 20 years ago that went on heavy nearly like factory.
I recently tried 2 kinds of Rustoleum spray undercoating - regular and Professional. Both covered good, but not thick like factory. I really could not tell much difference other than Pro is twice the price. If anything I thought the cheaper one had more build. I was wondering how much temperature has to do with build up. If its solid when dry it should not matter, but if it traps bubbles like spray foam, it may not build the same if its cool.
If it is out of a can, spray it normal distance and let it dry.
Then spray 2 feet away with lite burst, this will give it a factory look.
I did this on my wheel wells. Test some where first. It worked for me.

I did research on this and 3m Schutz is thick but have to be sprayed out of a gun which it comes with the kit. I opted Dominion Sure Seal rubberized undercoating, stuff sticks has some texture and is black!

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I had a couple cans of 3m and Dupli-color professional and regular laying around and spayed them all on a piece of metal, let them sit over night came back next day and just took a flat head and tested how well the stuck.

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The 3m never get hard and scraped off pretty easy like tar and had a brownish color to it. Both brands of dupli-color were horrible they got hard but came right off like it was still wet. I was not impressed and they still had a off black tint to the color also. The dominion stuff I had to really press hard to scrap off and was as black as black can get.
restoricks is supportably the best. have not used it but that what i hear.
I'm going to give you my opinion on undercoating, but if you think I'm full of bull, please just ignore it.

I've been working on and restoring cars for 50 years now, and I've never seen an undercoating that really prevented rust. All the undercoated cars I've seen have gotten water trapped between the body and the undercoat, which actually accelerated the rusting process rather than preventing it.

I will never use undercoat again. Instead, I sandblast to clean metal, prime with self-etching primer, and shoot with single stage urethane. No undercoat.
Transtar looks good on my inner fenders. I bought 3 cans used 1/2 on front inner fenders.
I did my cars underside and hard to get parts by stuff called Dinitrol. its little difirent, it will newer dry completely so it will stay soft and mess you up when you are under car ;)
tectyl is similar product.


BUT i like it this way if you but thick coat of hard undercoat and it traps moisture it will rust and you cant even see it.

My frend has car... Datsun 1980 and it has been driven all year around (there they put salt in rads in winter) that car is completly rust free. last time that car got undercoated was on 1990 and coating is still waxy and repels water.

first pic is frends datsuns door from inside, look how thin the paint layer in on the door. Second in my dusters underside thats after 2 years of driving


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