what unusual gift did you receive this year.

...........I'll try it out tomorrow/Saturday as its my birthday......will let u know......kim.........

Well, Happy Birthday.

I am curious, it sounds like an odd mix, although I thought the same thing about the Jack Daniels Honey. My daughter got me a bottle for my BD, and it's not bad straight up on the rocks.
............Thanks Bruce..........I'll try it later this afternoon.......I have to make a turkey as my daughter, grand daughter and son in law r coming out for my birthday........kim.......
Amy bought me a field guide, so I'm not wondering what I'm looking at, the next time I see a hidden gem with a bit of rust...


I was told that if you want to pick up hot chicks, they fit great in them.



They also apparently make getting car parts easier.

I was also given one of these, by my brother-


I was then told by Amy that if I put it on, I would be considerably more attractive, because it's made of chocolate.

I was just thinking about what I'd look like, putting it on, on a hot day, on the bus.
I GOT A PONY!!!!! I always joked with my kids that the boxes my gifts were in were too small, and that there was no way a pony would fit. This year my daughter (19) handed me a small box, and inside was 1" plastic pony........the joke was on me!
Hahahaha... Nice!

I asked for "my very own pony" when I was asked what I'd like for my birthday, this year.

I'd forgotten about it, but Amy's smart *** sister did that to me, but she wrapped it as intricately as she could, so there was no mistaking what it was. I decided to leave it wrapped.
I was lucky to receive an old -- like antique! -- Dake Model 001 arbor press with homemade plates from a member of The Garage Journal! [If you've never visited there, trust me: you'll LOVE IT.]

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It was part of the forum's Secret Santa 2014, my first year participating. He also hooked Billy up with a bowtie owner's manual and the shop kitties got a couple bags of treats.
.....................Well the verdict is in on the Maple Crown Royal..........it has a pretty strong maple taste and is pretty sweet tasting too...............I'll stick to my regular Crown............kim.......
.....................Well the verdict is in on the Maple Crown Royal..........it has a pretty strong maple taste and is pretty sweet tasting too...............I'll stick to my regular Crown............kim.......

You don't like it you could always send it my way....
It was a nice year for me. I got a few car related tidbits as usual. But the coolest things I got are puzzles. My mother put a few puzzles together for me a few years ago when she could still see good enough to do it. It was a favorite hobby of hers. She's gonna be 85 in 2015, so she won't be doing anymore. Well they have been sitting around and this year Stace and the kids got them framed for me. I have two of them hung and the others have yet to find homes.


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Here's two more. These will be keepsakes for a long time to come!


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.....................Well the verdict is in on the Maple Crown Royal..........it has a pretty strong maple taste and is pretty sweet tasting too...............I'll stick to my regular Crown............kim.......

If you put it on your pancakes in the morning your not an alcoholic , your a Voyageur Eh !