What was your favorite childhood cartoon?



Damn Right I Carry!
Mar 28, 2011
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Cortez, CO
As a child, I was a Speed Racer junkie. How about you? What was your favorite cartoon/show as a child?
I was a big bugs bunny fan when I was a kid.. and speed racer as well.. My favorite animated/cartoon/cartoon strip character of all time though is Snoopy from Peanunts..
Ya. Your user name says it all! Lol bugs and Scoopy are awesome! I always loved the credits when they showed everyone dancing!
i loved the road runner..you could never catch him....
A tie between Jetsons and all the Warner Bros cartoons back when they were politically incorrect and had all the stereotypes and violence:D
Clutch Cargo with his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot.
fred flintstone and tenesse tuxedo chumly and fred are kind of the same
Lots of em mentioned above. Not the ones from the 80's, love the classic cartoons from the 60's and back.
I didn't have any favorites. I think all the cartoons before the 1980's would be my favorites. You can't forget Underdog,Go-Go Gophers,Dudley Do-Right,Bullwinkle and Rocky.
..........I still like them even now............flintstones, all the looney tunes, muppets, and the charlie brown clan.................kim..............