What year is it


Idaho fish

Active Member
Jul 21, 2021
Reaction score
Rathdrum Idaho
I got a 360 magnum for my 67Barracuda, the casting number on the right side where you should find the date looks like it ends in 07. They stopped the magnum in 03


Check the numbers on the front of the block, just under the cylinder head. You will likely need to scrape the area or hit it with a wire brush. Here is the info from a Mopar book, and then an example of the numbers from a clean block so you know what you are looking for. I agree with Locomotion that is probably 97, and the numbers at the front will support that if you find the first digit is a 7.


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Check the numbers on the front of the block, just under the cylinder head. You will likely need to scrape the area or hit it with a wire brush. Here is the info from a Mopar book, and then an example of the numbers from a clean block so you know what you are looking for. I agree with Locomotion that is probably 97, and the numbers at the front will support that if you find the first digit is a 7.

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View attachment 1716383265
Thanks, I will do that