What you think this is worth?

I'd bring $5k to the table and see if he really wants to sell or is he just testin the waters. Depends a lot on how solid the quarters, trunk and floor pans are. It's a 318 car so you can do to it as you want.
Looks pretty good but if they say its got one bubble its probably has more in different places so you need to account for a new paint job since blending the color is doubtful.So if you like the price plus paint and some body work down the road then go for it but seems a little high to me but I no expert.Offer 6,000 that way you'll have the extra cash for the paint.
Hard to tell by the little pics but it looks like a darker blue underhood. Possibly the original color underhood.
I can see that car easily being worth $4,000 to $8,000 depending on condition. The car being from MI you would really have to see the bottom I suspect it's rusty and worth closer to the bottom price range. However with that said a car that is painted, has a nice motor compartment, and interior. Might be worth the higher price range even if it is a little rusty. :D
If it's as nice as it looks in the the pics I would say its priced right, the extra's are worth a $1000 by them self.
3-4, hard not to be biased when I paid 1900 for mine with a roller 318 and a 8 1/4 suregrip with no rust sorry :/
paid 4 for my 73 that seems in better condition wouldnt go any higher than 5500