What you thunk?



Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Ok folks I have been busy the last few weekends to get ready to put some color on my car. I wanted to see what plum crazy would look like on the car and i must say. I LOVE IT. Let me know what you think of it. I will also put these in my resto tread soon. I hope this is not to many? Thanks for looking.








You mean you are not painting the indian compartment black and putting a cowl hood on the car?????

Seriously, looks really nice.
Man that look just out standing!!

What did you do to make it look so silver before you painted it or is that the sheet metal.

Please give some more details on what you used because I'm going to do my engine bay here very soon. Once I get in preped then I'm going to let a auto painter come in and spray it for me.
Hey Mullin,
Yes that is sheet metal. I stripped everything down, epoxy primer, body more primer then the paint.
I am going with Plum and black. If you look close at the frame rails they are black. I have rocker trim to go on the car as well and below will be black. Also black hood. Still thinking about a tail strip, not sure yet. What do you guys think? Thanks for all the comments folks
It looks great! Just curious, what brand and type of paint did you go with? Did you shoot clearcoat on it as well? Did you spray that in the garage or in a booth? Once again it looks great!
It looks sweet, nice job, I like that color and you seemed ot do a great job of applying it. Look forward to seeing the finished product
This is my first time trying to do something like this. All the work was done in my garage. Most of my info and knowledge came from FABO (thanks folks). The paint is just single stage Nason. Not counting the labor it only cost me about $100, thats for the primer, supplies and paint. So I thunk I done pretty good. It is great seeing some color on the car. Although it will be about 9 months before the rest of the car gets any color. And again Thanks for looking guys/gals
In the pictures it looks great! You did a good job with the prep & spraying! The purple will look great on that car. Especially with a white interior and a white rump stripe..... 8)