Whats thats movie????



The KING of flats
May 25, 2005
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New Joisey
There is a female news reporter and she is in an apartment building and the swat team is getting ready to go in. All you hear in the background is screams while she is reporting. The someone finds the camera and the living dead have taken over the apartment building. The description may not be correct but it's close. I thought it was Diary of the Dead but that's no it. Anyone have any idea of what I'm talking about? LOL!!! It came out not to long ago. About the same time Diary of the Dead did.
yer not right blackace . . . plus that has to be an old movie . . . no old people here . . . .
Diary of the Dead sucked. Romero hasn't put out anything good since the original dawn/day of the dead.

not sure on that one but have you seen Fido? That was a funny zombie movie.
I have the movie Fido but I haven't watched it yet. It looked pretty funny. Land of the Dead was HORRIBLE!!! Very disappointed when I saw it. I just watched Diary of the Dead the other day turned it off about 1/2 way into the movie. I couldn't watch it anymore.

Anyone seen Flight of the Living Dead?
Jenna Jamison just came out with Zombie Strippers, I haven't seen it yet LOL

Then there is the classic Redneck Zombies.
Diary of the Dead sucked. Romero hasn't put out anything good since the original dawn/day of the dead.

not sure on that one but have you seen Fido? That was a funny zombie movie.

I'll argue that, I think Romero did good when he teamed up with Stephen King to do Creep show 1 and 2.

Of course my favorite horror is the Evil Dead, so my taste is a bit off.
What was that movie where there was a crazy redneck zombie torturing people to lynrd skynrd music? I think it was a rob zombie flick. I caught about 5 minutes of it once on cable in 2004 and was LMAO!
House of a 1000 Corpses and The devils rejects were Rob Zombies. His first movie was much better then the sequel. They were not Zombies though they were just backwoods sorts with some a few wires crossed in there brains. It was kind of a rip off of the Texas Chainsaw story. I have seen 1000 corpses about 1000 times, love it.

Unless he has another movie I was unaware of.?
House of a 1000 Corpses and The devils rejects were Rob Zombies. His first movie was much better then the sequel. They were not Zombies though they were just backwoods sorts with some a few wires crossed in there brains. It was kind of a rip off of the Texas Chainsaw story. I have seen 1000 corpses about 1000 times, love it.

Unless he has another movie I was unaware of.?

That's the one!
I didn't think House of 1000 a corpses was all that good. I never seen Devil's Rejects because it reminded me of Texas Chainsaw Massacre then after friends seen it thats what they said.

There is a new Day of the Dead that's out on DVD just watched it last week. Not good either! What's up with horror movie within the past decade or so? Most are bad and I can count a hand that were really good? I also just watched One Missed Call and that wasn't too bad.