What's the best modern battery for my Duster?

I use Napa and wait for their battery special. AAA membership knocks a few bucks off.
I have some Optima Batteries that are over 10 years and still fine. My Jeep Cherokee has a Diehard AGM Platinum battery, but it is only 2 or 3 years old. Nice to be free of lead acid batteries.
What warranty does Costco have? The Motorcraft Max batteries have a 3 year free replacement, followed by a 7 year pro rated. Also, if you have to use that warranty, it starts all over again on the new one.

I need to come back and correct this. Motorcraft has phased out the type warranty I stated above. Now all they offer is a standard 3 year free replacement.
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do they blow up and burn your car to the ground like an EV?
I've had two lead acid batteries " blow up" in my lifetime. Acid went everywhere including my eyeballs and face landing me in the ER, a stay at the hospital and a week off work with patches over both eyes on one of the occasions. The other just got acid all over the fenders and under the hood. Luckily there was a garden hose close by to flush the acid off the paint on that incident.
I have lithium ion batterys all over the shop In my battery operated tools and in my cell phone and who knows what else. So far, none of those have blown up yet.
I've had two lead acid batteries " blow up" in my lifetime. Acid went everywhere including my eyeballs and face landing me in the ER, a stay at the hospital and a week off work with patches over both eyes on one of the occasions. The other just got acid all over the fenders and under the hood. Luckily there was a garden hose close by to flush the acid off the paint on that incident.
I have lithium ion batterys all over the shop In my battery operated tools and in my cell phone and who knows what else. So far, none of those have blown up yet.
I've had ONE do that. I was standing on one of the ramps over a front end alignment pit on the edge of the ramp. The pit was about 5 feet deep. I was loosening the control arm shaft nut to move some front end shims around (GM product). The end of my ratchet came in contact with the positive stud on the starter grounded to a direct short and the battery (right under my face) exploded. Somehow I managed to close my eyes in time enough to avoid getting acid in them. I had to call for help to jump from the ramp to the side of the pit so as not to fall in the pit and was helped to the bathroom where I flushed my face down. I also had to change work shirts. That taught me right there that if I opened the hood, the negative battery cable got disconnected.


I know how you want to keep your Duster as OEM as possible (and you've done a heckuva lot of work on it for that very reason), so what's wrong with the battery you have now? It looks the part, and you could always get another one if this one is going bad....
My repro battery is losing its cranking power. The new ones are around $350 plus shipping. I was thinking I could keep using the old one until it fails completely, but have a modern battery in the mean time so I don't get stranded somewhere.
My repro battery is losing its cranking power. The new ones are around $350 plus shipping. I was thinking I could keep using the old one until it fails completely, but have a modern battery in the mean time so I don't get stranded somewhere.

I used to manage the NAPA down in Savage, on Hwy 13, but that was over 25 years ago, so I don't know anyone there anymore. I do, however, still have an "in" at the NAPA up here in Osseo, if that would help you...

I used to manage the NAPA down in Savage, on Hwy 13, but that was over 25 years ago, so I don't know anyone there anymore. I do, however, still have an "in" at the NAPA up here in Osseo, if that would help you...
Thanks! I'll keep that in mind and will let you know if I decide to go the NAPA route.
My repro battery is losing its cranking power. The new ones are around $350 plus shipping. I was thinking I could keep using the old one until it fails completely, but have a modern battery in the mean time so I don't get stranded somewhere.
Well don't throw it out, just cut the bottom open and put a new Odyssey PC925 inside.
I didn't know you could do that. Will search around on YouTube to find a video showing this. Thanks!
You don't need to search Youtube, I've showed it at least 3 times on FBBO.. I'll go find one for you.
do they blow up and burn your car to the ground like an EV?

They could!

Just like the LI batteries in your garage right now for all your battery powered devices. I guess you best go remove and toss away everything you own with a rechargeable non lead acid battery :poke: Oh wait they blow up some times too... (happened to me while starting a 91 Ford E 250 from inside the cabin while just turning the key)

Li gets a bad rap. Its not perfect and it gets sensationalized in the media when ever there is a fire, unlike the more plentiful gas and diesel fires.

Here ya go! Now this is gutting a lead acid script battery. It is possible that the top is just snapped onto yours that already has an AGM inside, if that is the case. Take a good look at it for disassembly and maybe you won't have to cut it...

1966 Plymouth Satellite HP2
My repro battery is losing its cranking power. The new ones are around $350 plus shipping. I was thinking I could keep using the old one until it fails completely, but have a modern battery in the mean time so I don't get stranded somewhere.
Note If you go down the battery topper route, what ever battery you buy be sure it does not have raised caps or sunken posts or the battery topper will not fit.

Sunken Posts

flat top flat posts


Note: this battery has a raised area around the post. I cut the hole larger for the post on my topper.


also there is a wider hold down for use with the toppers

Just like the LI batteries in your garage right now for all your battery powered devices. I guess you best go remove and toss away everything you own with a rechargeable non lead acid battery :poke: Oh wait they blow up some times too... (happened to me while starting a 91 Ford E 250 from inside the cabin while just turning the key)

Li gets a bad rap. Its not perfect and it gets sensationalized in the media when ever there is a fire, unlike the more plentiful gas and diesel fires.

I just said they could. Not they would, dummy. ....and they could.
if you charge a almost empty Battery, the batterytemp should NEVER exeed the temperature of a human body! If you cant touch it, disconnect immediately. Most new charger dont charge low volt batteries. Smart people try to lie the charger with a 2nd batterie parallel switched. This can be dangerous. If you want to reactivite a battery, use a low amp charger like a Ctek or so.
Remove from the car and charge in a safe place. The only reasons for exploding AGM and lead batteries are open flames, shorts and overcharging 15+ Volts. LiFePo Batteries have a internal relais and balancer. They open at low or high voltage.
I feel fine with
AGM batteries, Optima (i hate the design) and a small charger like
Blue Smart IP65 Ladegerät.
At our sawmill we have something like 35 batteries. The surprise here is that WALMART MAX Group 27 seem to out perform the rest. Most batteries, Napa, Interstate etc, seem to last 5 years with good maintenance. Walmart Max seem to last 7 or so. Ironically some of the others have a 5 year warranty and do last that long. Walmart has a 3 year, but outlast. Go figure. BiMart has good 5 year batteries, less expensive and a non prorated warranty. I've returned them at 4.5 years and walked out with a new one- no questions- not even for a reciept. Maintainers in the winter are critical for long life
Tried Optima. Worst, worst, worst battery I ever bought. Never had the CCA advertised and failed in a year.
The latest battery I bought for my dart sport is an Exide group 24 I believe. Found cheaper than anywhere else of all places Home Depot!
if you charge a almost empty Battery, the batterytemp should NEVER exeed the temperature of a human body! If you cant touch it, disconnect immediately. Most new charger dont charge low volt batteries. Smart people try to lie the charger with a 2nd batterie parallel switched. This can be dangerous. If you want to reactivite a battery, use a low amp charger like a Ctek or so.
Remove from the car and charge in a safe place. The only reasons for exploding AGM and lead batteries are open flames, shorts and overcharging 15+ Volts. LiFePo Batteries have a internal relais and balancer. They open at low or high voltage.
I feel fine with
AGM batteries, Optima (i hate the design) and a small charger like
Before it gets to that, if there is an ammeter, adjust the charge rate (on some that means dropping the supply voltage) so the charge rate is down around 15 amps or less. My understanding is the maximum safe charge rate can be estimated from the battery's capacit and a Rule of thumb frequently posted is 1/4 of Amp-hr rating.