What's the best modern battery for my Duster?

if you charge a almost empty Battery, the batterytemp should NEVER exeed the temperature of a human body! If you cant touch it, disconnect immediately. Most new charger dont charge low volt batteries. Smart people try to lie the charger with a 2nd batterie parallel switched. This can be dangerous. If you want to reactivite a battery, use a low amp charger like a Ctek or so.
Remove from the car and charge in a safe place. The only reasons for exploding AGM and lead batteries are open flames, shorts and overcharging 15+ Volts. LiFePo Batteries have a internal relais and balancer. They open at low or high voltage.
I feel fine with
AGM batteries, Optima (i hate the design) and a small charger like
Blue Smart IP65 Ladegerät.
I always start with a 2 amp trickle first.
I sold the Mac branded Solar/Clore charger with great results. I have brought a few batteries back to life.
Just like the LI batteries in your garage right now for all your battery powered devices. I guess you best go remove and toss away everything you own with a rechargeable non lead acid battery :poke: Oh wait they blow up some times too... (happened to me while starting a 91 Ford E 250 from inside the cabin while just turning the key)

Li gets a bad rap. Its not perfect and it gets sensationalized in the media when ever there is a fire, unlike the more plentiful gas and diesel fires.

Nice spin by motortrend. A fair comparison would be based on the number of gas vehicles on the road compared to EVs and if the gas vehicles that burned were "upgraded" to a lithium battery. The take away is the gas vehicle can be put out with conventional means to stop the pollution where a lithium fire will produce the most because they often can't put it out and just let it burn. There are many ways lithium can fail besides accidents. I use cords on my tools.

A lead acid battery has a standard curve where the CCA falls over time. A higher CCA than necessary can add years to the useful life. I usually adapt group 78 wherever I can because they usually have higher cca for the same cost as other groups and I can make cables with copper lugs and use standard 3/8 bolts and washers as terminals.

Lithium Fail Cycle.jpg
What warranty does Costco have? The Motorcraft Max batteries have a 3 year free replacement, followed by a 7 year pro rated. Also, if you have to use that warranty, it starts all over again on the new one.

I need to come back and correct this. Motorcraft has phased out the type warranty I stated above. Now all they offer is a standard 3 year free replacement.
Blain's Farm & Fleet batteries still have the 3yr/7yr warranty, as described above. I was stranded in their parking lot last year, and bought one. Time will tell their lifespan.
Before it gets to that, if there is an ammeter, adjust the charge rate (on some that means dropping the supply voltage) so the charge rate is down around 15 amps or less. My understanding is the maximum safe charge rate can be estimated from the battery's capacit and a Rule of thumb frequently posted is 1/4 of Amp-hr rating.
for a healthy battery yes, but if one cell is weak, you get in trouble. We have expensive chargers with a self adjusting amp rate, but also these can bring a bad battery to cook, you smell it next morning.....
Hmmm...from what I read here, I should be mighty nervous about my 4-year old Optima in the avatar's trunk. So far, it has been bullet-proof but no telling what tomorrow may bring. I'd have to say that so far, I'd buy it again.