Whats the oldest daily driver you drive.

65 Valiant V200, 273 rain, shine, snow.
75 Ford F250 "Highboy", 390 4 speed. Rain, shine, snow. It's a bit harder on the wallet, but still gets driven.
38,1985 D150 Royal SE...newest vehicle I will ever own from here till death.
Still looking for a 67-76 A-body slant six to daily drive.

73 dart and I'm 56.
Drive it every day over an area of four towns for work.
63 Valiant 170 auto, daily driver last 6 years. Hard for me to think that it's almost 50 years old.Brake up grade was the best thing I've done...
Well,my '69 Dart is in the makeover process and even then won't be my daily driver,nor will my wife's '68 Formula S 'Cuda or her 2010 PT Cruiser !! That honor goes to my 2010 Hemi Ram 4x4 !!!:blob::blob::blob:
My daily driver is a 70 Dart Custom; I'm 54. My daughter drove her 63 Valiant back and forth to High School except in the snow. She is away at college now; I take it out once or twice a week for her. She is 18.
i got married in 74 the newest car /truck i have driven daily was a 1974 f100
haven't had a car with A/C since the duster till i bought 71 Torino Wagon last summer

1974 - 70 Duster 340
73 harley
65 chevy van
70 ford van
73 olds omega
72 j10 PU
72 Suzuki Jeep
69 Bronco
74 F100
69 Bronco (bought it back from my son)
66 Mustang
65 c10 PU
71 Dart
71 Torino
I'm 46, drive the '66 Valiant 126 miles a day round trip, no matter what the weather is doing. I'll admit I am starting to go broke paying for gas, may have to make a change soon.
I'm 27 and I've been daily driving my 71 Duster every day since I got my license in high school. It didn't start out in this kind of shape though :grin:

ESP47...that is a REAL Nice Duster!

I hope you get a lot of enjoyment out of it.
You did good!

im 25 and i have a 77 chevy 3/4 ton 4x4 that i drive daily. its all i got that runs. i get about 6 or 7 miles a gallon. gas is killing me....i wish i had a honda....
I'm 40 and my DD is a 70' F100 short bed. No power anything. Simple as a brick and tough as an anvil.
driving a 73 340 duster....except in the rain cause i have not fixed the wipers yet...and it hardly ever rains in vegas anyway
Im curious, whats the oldest daily driver you drive and how old are you, driving it. I am interested as I am turning my 68 Formula s back to a full time daily driver. Im 50 and now plan to drive the crap out of it. Gas price, doesnt matter. Im just going to drive it.

Drive on :cheers: I am I am almost 10 years older then my daily driver joe :cheers:


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I'm so screwed up...... In the winter I drive my 2010 Ram 1500.... 13,500 miles.. in the spring, summer and fall I try to drive my 1694 Dodge crew pickup and if I'm not driving that I'm driving my 2002 Dodge Dakota.. 135000 miles and going strong! I almost forgot...... I'm 53 !!!
