What's the plan for today?



1973 Dart Swinger 225
Jul 27, 2011
Reaction score
Columbia South Carolina
Just wondering what everyone is up to today. Thanks to the rain from Andrea ill be hanging out inside. Gonna polish some dog dishes...maybe record some new music on the 'ol gitfiddle.:coffee2:
I should mow the lawn, but gonna take my two daughters to the batting cages after work tonight to work on hitting some fast pitching. I'm coaching again this season and we moved up to the next level of fast-pitch girl's softball and some of these 7 & 8th graders are throwing some heat! After that, minature golf and pizza. Should be a fun evening :blob:

Work, work , work! After work I will probably do some yard work if it hasn't started raining by then.
I have so many projects going on it takes me all day just to decide what I'm going to do :lol:
After work I'll be trying to finish the upstairs bathroom....it had the 80's white cabinet wallpaper and ...wait for it....CARPET...:wack:
What should have been a couple of days has turned into a weeks worth of headache. They wallpapered right over the drywall so after I removed all of that I had to skim coat the entire room. No gang box for the light fixture above the mirror, so I had to install one.
....would have had the back window in the Duster by now if this "little" remodel hadn't been such a pain. So close to being done with the duster it's frustrating to let it sit for a week without doing anything...BUT...the weekend is MINE!!!
If it dries out enough, I thought I migh ttry to get my 4.56 sure grip chunk oin the Coronet since I got the axles out.
Busted my *** all day yesterday at work, if it's slow today I'm going to get a VIN inspection on the motorcycle trailer, get plates on it, strip off the hacked electrical, weld in trailing arm bushings and repair the electrical. Then finish my prototype oil cooler brackets for my motorcycle, sit down and crack a beer and enjoy my Friday.
Work lol I've been working 6 days a week. Only get Sundays off right now. Also freeway is closed so the duster is going to see some back roads for a few days.
Work werk wurk
But after sais work... Taking the Duster down to the local Sonic Drive in for a cruise in and showing off and yapping with the fellow motorheads. Saturday is the big Mopar show here so I will spend the night tonight polishing and cleaning and take the beast out to the show tomorrow. Car shows planned for the next three weekends !

well pulling weeds and doing laundery, just a things my doc said not to do. but sitting all day, well i can't do that.
Work in the rain, and wish by about 8:30 (I start at 6) that I'd called in sick! Worked a 12-hour day, about 10 hours of that soaking wet! Blarg.

And someone took my rain gear out of my truck!