What's This?



no title
Jun 24, 2007
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I have no idea what this is... I found it in the trunk of the Duster when I bought it some 20 years ago.

It's a solid chunk of lead, no numbers or writing on it. (farm equipment counterweight ?)

Any ideas, in case I throw out something somebody else might need.
Now..now Terry. We all know it's one of those weights you strap to your thingy for increase, natural growth.
Just being a smart ***....

It sure don't look like anything I've ever seen on a Mopar. Actually Terry's resonse is probably closer to the truth, as I've never scuba-dived. Nor stretched my willy... 8)

Now..now Terry. We all know it's one of those weights you strap to your thingy for increase, natural growth.

You're a sick man John, besides everyone knows or should know that a weight that size hung of your "Johnson" would likely result in the wearer being Bobbitized.

It's a lead weight that goes on a belt worn by scuba divers to keep ya on the bottom.


Thanks Terry,

Looks like the only valuable explanation, it did appear to have some kind of belt slide in those openings.

Only problem I have, is I know the 2 previous owners, and they are not quite the "scuba" types, aside from we are far from diving water.
I will certainly ask those guys about the "scuba" weight, now I'm really curious.

Is Hammtranck close to water...
I would agree, it's a very old school SCUBA weight. Take it in with your old batteries for $$.
Galen wants it, he can have it, he pays for shipping. I have his address (LOL).
I'll package it real good, might be pricey due to the weight.

Anybody into old SCUBA gear?
That is exactly what it is. One of my daughters scuba dives and confirmed it.

She also said that most guy's that say they don't need something like that to stretch their "Willy", really do need it. LOL

That is exactly what it is. One of my daughters scuba dives and confirmed it.

She also said that most guy's that say they don't need something like that to stretch their "Willy", really do need it. LOL


LMAO Jack! Your daughter learned from the best, HAHA!
It was originally for a dive belt, but it could be useful if melted down and poured into bullet molds. Perhaps put it on ebay as "vintage" aquatic gear. Sticking "vintage" in front of stuff apparently makes it desirable. :yawinkle:
If you fish, you could use it to make your own lead weights.
I wish I had a hunk of lead like that.............but I ain't paying shipping.:toothy10: