What's your favorite candy


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
So since it's nearing Halloween, lots of stores have lots and lots of candy on sale and in promotions.

What is your favorite kind of candy.


M&M peanut if I do want a candy fix, yep ! I am a nut but still Making Memories.

Oh my the creeper vans !
Made me laugh !
Favorite candy for me depends on my mood.
I really like those small black licorice Carmel candies at stores normally by the register in baskets.
Sour patch kids and any soft sour candy
Fruit flavored tootsie rolls
Dark chocolate
Anything with sugar ?
I remember trick or treating.
When we got home dumped the candy out and segregated it.
Piles this kind and that, all the good ones would be gone then it was eating the not as good ones.
Or when adults asked I'd pick them from the piles I did not like .
Ha ha great thread !
So as I stated in other threads .
I don't eat much processed sugar it is like craxk cocaine for me.
However I have moments I will eat candy.
The other day I was grabbing some stuff at the hardware store.
They had a display Carmel apple sugarbabies .
Well I had to get some.
They were very tasty.
My gosh candy the word brings back so many memories for me !
I loved getting Penny candy at the little neighborhood drug stores as a kid.
So many choices and you got variety as well as feeling you had mass candy in your little bag !.
Snickers :thumbsup: I also remember trick or treating. Bringing home a bag of candy maybe an apple or two. I had two older brothers, so they would dig in while I yelled for my dad. In those days you could eat whatever you had in your bag, even if it was homemade brownie or cookie. We used to burn a piece of cork and make a beard, and a stick with a hankie tied to it and go out as a "hobo". :) Picture so you youngsters know what I mean.

Snickers :thumbsup: I also remember trick or treating. Bringing home a bag of candy maybe an apple or two. I had two older brothers, so they would dig in while I yelled for my dad. In those days you could eat whatever you had in your bag, even if it was homemade brownie or cookie. We used to burn a piece of cork and make a beard, and a stick with a hankie tied to it and go out as a "hobo". :) Picture so you youngsters know what I mean.

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My dad did the same burning cork thing to me. Every year I was a hobo for Halloween!! I'm only 58 years old but I had old parents. My dad was born in 1918. He lived through the Depression so hobo came naturally!

Favorite Candy: when I was younger and Trick-or-treating I liked all the mini chocolate bars such as milky way and snickers. I don't like chocolate anymore but when I grab a candy bar, it's a Payday. Like the peanuts and nouget.
Heath Bar

so when im at the hardware store i usually get a box of mini charlston chews
the other day i couldnt find them, so i grabbed a heath bar instead

then when i cam home, i share it with the kids

about a week later my little girl goes "dad, you got any chocolate left?" ?
so i tell her to grab some smore chocolate (a hershey bar) from the candy drawer and she goes "no, i want the good stuff"

yeah, she meant the heath bar
Plain M&M's are my all time favorite. Baby Ruth bars are my favorite candy bars, and the mini Baby Ruth bars are great to throw into a crowded hotel swimming pool when you want to create a little space.

Who else wants to eat some candy now ?
So if we all get fat and become candy junkies , does that make it princess v's fault ?
Things to ponder !
This is tough for me because I have a severe sweet tooth problem. But considering its fall now I have to say my favorite is candy corn!