Wheel Cover Restoration Question



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 8, 2012
Reaction score
NW, Ohio
I am restoring a set of these Dodge wheel covers. I need to know what color paint to use. One of my photos is of a restored cover I took at Carlisle last year, and it appears lighter (maybe light argent?) than what is on my unrestored one. Can anyone help with the correct color?

Thanks in advance!

Wheel 2 Restored.jpg

This is the restored one. Looks like light argent to me.

20240808_091816 (002Wheel 1.jpg

Looking for this silver-ish color. It seems darker, at least in the above photo than the restored one.

Wheel 3.jpg
different light and angle can make that happen.

I suspect the Carlisle one was outdoors, you might want to take the old ones and set them up in the same orientation on a similar sun lit day ( clouds, no clouds etc)


different hue even the two you took
It use to be, You could buy a couple different cans and try them. Now its tough affording one.
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The Carlisle photo was inside one of the exhibition buildings - all photos were inside. The darker one was just poor lighting/angle on my part. I still think the light argent is too light?