Wheels worth anything?



Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2013
Reaction score
Macon, GA
My county is having a tire forgiveness day coming up, so I'm getting rid of a bunch of used tires. I am not using the original wheels that came off of my /6 Duster, 14" sbp. I figure if they are not worth anything, I could haul them to the scrapper on my next trip, or sell them. What say you?
I sold a set last year. They were nicely stored and above average in condition but someone will want them. Clean them up, verify what you have, and post an Ad.....

13" sbp not worth much. Theyre even difficult to give away for free. I have seen 14" sell plenty of times, just depends on how much effort you are willing to put in for the amount of money they might be worth (maybe $100-$200 depending on condition of rims/tires and if you find the right person)
Part numbers & date codes can help make a sale.

4.5" wide or 5.5" wide inside the rim lips?
They are worth something. To someone who wants original wheels and hubcaps. I think what's happening is, there isn't much choice for 14 inch tires...so people are running 15.
depends, do you have a garden hose?
