When did you start forgetting?



Aug 15, 2009
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MI 49203
well.....my birthday is in 10 days.

I will be 24

but for the passed year or 2 when I think of my age I find myself forgetting how old I am sometimes lol....and I have to sit and think for a second and then :idea1: OHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHH.

maybe after 16 and getting your license, 18 being an adult and going to casinos and what not, 21 being of age to drink....maybe after that there just arent many age provided mile stones I guess you could call it....to keep you reminded how old you are.

either that or I am losing it LOL

do you guys find yourself forgetting your own age? or even small things like where you put the remote? or if your out in the garage working on something and you set a tool down and go to pick it up and your looking all over for it for 5 minutes just to find it was sitting in your lap right in plain sight.

OR you could be a stupid as I have been before and be looking for a tool just to find it was in your hand already :munky2:( yeah I have no idea how I managed to pull situations like that off lol)
I swear my remotes has legs

along with my tools

my glasses mysteriously appear on top of my head after looking for a while

I have turned the car around to get my wallet only to remember I threw it in the console when I got in

Don't even try to remember the age anymore
you start forgetting when computers and plotters take your God given imagination away.

I'm thankful it never happened to me, I still have a brush in my hand

hey, only joking about :)
Im only 21 and the other day at the drs they asked me my age and I was just about say 20 when I was like 21?..... yea im 21? Its kinda bad but ya look forwad and count down 16,18,21 and after ya dont have any big milestone ages that have good advantages tide to em. maybe older ages to get aarp discounts or the age to retire but thats about it.
Don't feel to bad Jerrod, I spent about 20 min. one time looking for my keys only to find them in my left hand.](*,)
you start forgetting when computers and plotters take your God given imagination away.

I'm thankful it never happened to me, I still have a brush in my hand

hey, only joking about :)

your probably right lol.

these dang computers and messing with photo shop and trying to wrap my noggin around everything required to run the programs I use for my plotting machine can stir up a dust storm in the noggin LOL.

I use to sit down and draw and it kept me focused.....I still wasnt as sharp as a tack but it sure was alot less stressful than most of the digital mumbo jumbo I do lately. lol
Don't feel to bad Jerrod, I spent about 20 min. one time looking for my keys only to find them in my left hand.](*,)


on top of it...my little one runs around and grabs stuff and sets it in odd places.....like grab the remote from the living room and set it down in the kitchen or bathroom and meanwhile I think I am losing it because I could have swore I sat it down in the living room lol.

and then my wife likes to either throw stuff away or pack it in a box or set it in the closet and its something that I had just sat down and I go to grab it and I think I am losing it again.

I think they do it on purpose just to mess with me HAHA
No matter what the number is I'm always the same age:

Old enough to know better ... but still wayyyyy too young to resist. :-D
I kept telling everyone that I was going to be 49 years old on my next birthday and was shocked to find out that I was 50 at my fiftieth surprise birthday party. Somehow I had forgotten a whole year., LOL
Im only 21 ... and after ya dont have any big milestone ages that have good advantages tide to em. maybe older ages to get aarp discounts or the age to retire but thats about it.

I've read this post a couple times and it just cracks me up!

So there's absolutely nothing to look forward to from 21 to 65. No wonder it's been so dayum boring lately. Just two more decades to go and my life can begin again! :cheers:

With AARP discounts. Boy howdy.

God I love you guys.
if I suddenly remembered half the things I have forgotten I would probably kill my self
I heard somewhere that Alzheimers is the next great disease to overtake mankind...........I'm just wondering how we'll ever know for sure?:toothy10:
I've read this post a couple times and it just cracks me up!

So there's absolutely nothing to look forward to from 21 to 65. No wonder it's been so dayum boring lately. Just two more decades to go and my life can begin again! :cheers:

With AARP discounts. Boy howdy.

God I love you guys.

in 35 years you get a discount on breakfast at dennys!!!!! you are 25 right?

:cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers: POINTS FOR ME:cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:

now what was I saying again? HAHAHA
Actually I'm finding that at my age (more than 50 but less than 55) I'm starting to remember things that have happened to me and it's scaring the hell out of me. This all started about a year ago, hell just last night I woke up in a cold sweat and remembered my dream. I was tearing the hell out of the football field behind my old high school (always hated that field) in my 69 Runner with my latest conquest in my right arm and a fresh beer held between my legs. We left there and took off to Calgary to take in a drive in movie, I loved drive inns, and when we pulled up to the gate the admission sign read 14 years and under get in free. Here comes the scary part cuss she said she gets in free and I'm sure I pissed my pants, figured her for at least 18 hell she was tall and built and we we're walking into bars together.

I guess this is where waking up in a cold sweat comes in so beware of your past people and I thought I killed enough brain cells to forget my past.8)
I was making myself a year older for nearly a full year... Came close to my birthday and I mentioned that I was going to be 48, my wife had to remind me that I was only going to be 47:D Made me feel good to be a year younger;)
I had a comment, but I forgot what it was. Really.