Where to Begin...........



FABO Vendor
FABO Vendor
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Lakewood, WA
Hey all.......Hope this post finds you all well and that everybody is doing good.

...where to begin.....

Well.....it's been a trying time for about the past six weeks to say the least! Besides the fiasco at Carlisle and spending a Saturday evening in an artic chilled holding cell wondering if they were going to harvest my kidneys or not, getting home afterwards, trying to get my personal car back from the authorities here in WA state who were ransacking our warehouse(they decided that because my car was on the company's parking lot, it was fair game for their jack-booted tactics), trying to get our computers and phones back up, getting our files and records back from the "authorities"(and I use that term in the nicest possible way...sic), attending the Nats show on a moments notice with little to no preparation and no product to display, it's been kind of a trying time.

Jaycee's departure from the company has also left a big void, we all miss her dearly!!! I just want to let everyone know that her departure was not a direct result from the happenings in Carlisle, but rather a 'second-hand' reason supporting her main reason which has to do with her protecting her children from an un-wanted relative who's court date is coming near, and that's all I can say about that.

Another thing...as a result of 'certain parties' actions(...and I use that term in it's nicest possible meaning!!!), our Ebay store has been shut down. I have appealed Ebay's descision, and my appeals have been declined. I guess with Ebay it's guilty until proven innocent. My feedback record was at 100%, but that didn't seem to make any difference to them.

So as a result, I have now listed parts on MOPAR COLLECTOR'S GUIDE auction website www.bidmopar.com.


Keep an eye on this site and bookmark it, as I will be adding MORE and MORE listings in the coming days/weeks.

That's all for now, hope everybody has a good day!
Its great to see you back Rick! Sorry Jaycee has left the building, but at least things are getting back to normal.

Take care,
Rick, Glad your back. I know Dave doesnt have the best reputation but you guys got screwed on this deal.
Rick, glad to see you around. I hope all is well and only gets better from here.

Is Laysons back up and running?

Thanks for being one true and stand up guy here @ For A bodies only.
Thanks for helpping us out and being a super straight shooter from the get go.
Hello Rick, I`ve been thinking of you and all the employees at Laysons during this time of uncertainty. First and foremost I hope that everyone came out with their jobs intact. What an ordeal you guys have endured! Did Dave have his hearing in Pa. yet? I`m sorry Ebay is treating you guys like that but they`ve become such a behemoth that they feel they can afford to treat customers like sh*t. I`ll still need some reverse light gaskets so I`ll be ordering soon. We`ll miss Jaycee but it`s good to have you back.- John
Rick...glad to see you back on the site. I was shocked to hear the news when it broke, but I was hoping for the best all the way!
good to see a post from the co.hope you folks can make it out of that attack from our beloved car co. damn hope they leave you alone it sure would be nice if they just let someone or helped someone make parts thankz for all you do for the hobby we need peaple like you for our toys, jobs ect. thankz again:happy10:
Glad to have you back Rick! You're a quality individual trying very hard to raise the level of the companys perception. I like what you said about having the parts in inventory that are listed for sale. Hope all turns out well.
Hey Rick,
Glad you didn't go down for the 3rd time, so to speak. Glad you made it back here. To bad about Jaycee, hope things turn out the best for her. Don't be a stranger, come back often.

Surely you dont mean an officer of the LAW would do anything questionable or ILLEGAL. I was called everything but a child of God for even making a suggestion like that.

Of course, the police NEVER do anything wrong. And I apologize for even thinking it.

I hope you are well. Please keep us updated.
Thank you rick. i miss being there... we'll see what happens with this court date and i might be back!!
Jaycee....Thanks for trying to be a help in times of trouble....and I pray there will be a LOT of help for you in yours. :cheers:

Rick.....Good to hear that you're responding to the trouble with some needed course corrections for the Company.......I hope Dave knows what he has in a guy like you..... :cheers:

...Sorry for your trouble, and may Ma Mopar's armpits be infested with the fleas of a thousand camels. :wav: