Who all is going the The Nats?



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 18, 2008
Reaction score
I was wondering who all was going. Went last year and didn't take a car. This year probably taking the Demon. Last year it looked as if attendance was down but only was there on Saturday. Also wondering thoughts on Nats. My dad went to Carlisle and talked to some guys about coming to the Nats but they talked about how bad the grounds have gotten and how disorganized it is. I know I prefer Carlisle even though the drive is another 7 hours farther.
I'm going,,,,2500miles one way from western Canada. First timer, can't wait. Even if the numbers are down it will still be impressive!
I'm planning on going. I've never been to Carlisle but I hear it's a nice facility and very well run. The Nats organizers have changed in the past few years but it's still a fun show. I like drag racing and that is a cool thing about that show. HemiDenny will have a big tent again this year with their group's cars on display and a place for us FABO members to meet and greet. tmm


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I,m going to the hats for the first time. It's been on my dream list for years, my sons going to art school in Columbus so it's perfect we can go to the nats together. Any tips from people that have been there before?
The bride and I will be going!! First big show I'll ever be to!! I'm completely psyched about it! Can't wait to see all the cars and put faces to fellow members names!!
I'm glad to see some first timers going. I hope it gets back to the way it was a few years back.
HAVN'T BEEN SINCE BOUT 2002 OR 3. long way from s w Missouri, expensive. went for every year for 15 yrs before the hiatis.
just not sure myself. last time there I was amazed at all the newbie vendors trying to peddle used alt , starters, and such?? thinkin nats in vendor goldmine!LOL
way back 10-15 years ago, most ( or a lot) guys back east made Carlisle, found their parts there and shipped nats....
i'm sure its still a great dog and pony show.....
My brother and I are coming from australia and then driving onto Detroit for Woodward. First timers to this but have been the us a number of times.

Any spare seats in any car for the cruise and were in. If you hear any Aussie accents around the traps come say hello. Looking to do stuff between nats and Woodward any ideas?.
Been going since 95. I'll be filling up the back of a truck with parts for the Dart.
i AM GOING. Year six. Its like going to hevin for a week end. I park where you can watch all the cars in the stageing lanes to race. cook on grill drink beer, it doesn't get any better. A bodies only is supposed to reserve the same area i have been parking in every year.So we can all have a grate time together. I make grate hamburgers.
I'll be there. I'll likely be in the swap area though. But at least myself and probably just the Dart are going. not bringing the Duster too, to dang expensive!
I may bring some keys and cut some while I'm there too.
Me and better half going ..... Staying Sat night ... apparently there is a cruise ....
BUT if you want to see ANY type of vehicle ... Woodward cruise is the place to be in August
My first time was last year but this year I will be driving my Swinger. Last year I didn't have a car to buy parts for so now I plan to really dig around the swap area. I am worried I will lose track of time in that area.
i AM GOING. Year six. Its like going to hevin for a week end. I park where you can watch all the cars in the stageing lanes to race. cook on grill drink beer, it doesn't get any better. A bodies only is supposed to reserve the same area i have been parking in every year.So we can all have a grate time together. I make grate hamburgers.

Great! Hope to see you there. I'll just follow my nose to find you. lol
going again as usual. driving from CT in quad cab p/u
looking for passenger to share gas if possible
i AM GOING. Year six. Its like going to hevin for a week end. I park where you can watch all the cars in the stageing lanes to race. cook on grill drink beer, it doesn't get any better. A bodies only is supposed to reserve the same area i have been parking in every year.So we can all have a grate time together. I make grate hamburgers.

Sweet! I was thinkin bout takin a grill but since you're claiming to make good burgers I'd be happy to just bring some burgers or give you some cash to offset your expense and let you make em ;) :cheers:
I'm going..Been every year since Indy(except last year).I don't know if i'm taking the Dart or not.I'll be looking for the meet and greet and the great burgers.(I'll have some beer)..........................Jeff
I'm going. My first. Been wanting/waiting for years. No car just as a spectator. Hoping to meet some FABO members.