Who here has high blood pressure?



Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
I do! I just started Lisinopril a couple days ago.
I need to lose 30 lbs, quit smoking, cut back on caffeine, and exercise.

I am starting with losing weight, and cutting back on coffee.

I'm interested in any experience you guys have with high blood pressure.
I've been feeling a little freaked out about it.
Ahhh...Harry you are getting old! Ha ha...oops sorry. I am on 3 high blood pressure meds. add to Lisinopril, Atenolol and Norvasc. I go in Wednesday to have a Catheterization. I am nervous about that!

I to need to lose weight and I did quit smoking many years ago but can't seem to give up my morning coffee.
Have a CDL and years ago was just over the limit so have been taking DIOVAN not a big deal

Losing weight, quit smoking and exercise will help. Might not be the solution to not taking meds.

Any history in the family? Could be in the genes.
Me three. I'm lucky. I'm way better off, so far, for my age than my Dad, who fought a combination of a rolling snowball of blood pressure, hypertension, Lupus, and medication interactions which one time endangered his life, and constantly kept his life in a state of uproar.

If all that wasn't bad enough, "the guy" who bought out his business screwed him, causing lots of worry and anxiety.

Exercise while you can. My arthritic / osteo problems are much worse, and I'm losing mobility. Couple of years ago I rode a recumbent trike, and not long before that I rode a trike with hand cranks. This all helps, and it also helps your outlook, getting "out in the air" so to speak

My first home built recumbent. Rode the crap out of that thing until my legs / knees got worse. I built this out of junk back around 2000. Rode it for about 3 years I think.


My first trike. As I got worse, I added hand cranks to help my legs (and get my arms going) and for while, had the ***--end of a 2 stroke gas scooter. Here you can see the same thing off the rear, only electric. there's a lever to swing it down if I need a boost. The trouble with the hand cranks is there's no place to put brakes / shifters.


My present trike, but I didn't ride much last year, I'm regressing for the worse. I bought this because it's "underseat" steering, and I intended to convert the handlebars to a sort of ratchet / rowing deal. Hasn't happened, "yet." I also added electric help, the battery box hanging below the basket


May not look, from these, that I've changed much in more than 10 years, but I've got more of a gut, and feel a lot weaker. I have no stamina at all, anymore.
Be very cautious of drug interactions. Lose the weight asap. You will be amazed at the difference it will make. Cut my dosage in half.
I have been on lisinopril for years. Works well, zero side effects. Unfortunately for me I also have type2 diabetes, an enlarged heart and high cholesterol. so my day is a pill filled wonderland of insanity. Best of luck to you. the weight loss will do you wonders.
I take a series of 3 pills a day, to keep in in check.
In my case it's heridatary.
I never was put together right, from the git go.
Not overweight or anything, and the pills do their job, in giving me good numbers.
So in my case, as long as the VA doctor says i'm doing ok, i'm a happy camper.
I take 1 pill a day for high blood pressure. Of course I need to lose weight myself. It's a lot easier said than done.
I take 4 pills, 3 for blood pressure and 1 for cholesterol. My blood pressure and cholesterol are in good shape now and like most, I inherited the problem. Getting older is some education!
Mine was always low, but at a certain age it became high. So I was a little freaked out too, but soon found the right medication. Even a modest weight loss helps. I had already quit smoking but that's important. Avoid sodium. I did not realize that frozen vegetables often have a lot of sodium. Restaurants use LOTS of salt. Try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Good luck, with taking a few precautions you'll be fine!
add me to this list...Was on Diovan but switched to sumtin else...don't remember the name of it. Took several different pills before finding one that I could tolerate.....they all made me cough damn near non-stop. With just the med my blood pressure was at the high end of the "normal" range. By adding COQ10 to it it lowered it to 120/80. I am lugging around 60 or so pounds extra. My mothers blood pressure was always low...the worse night of her life, when my Dad had 5 strokes and the second brain surgery in 1 week, it was 90/60 or so....
Had high blood pressure since I was 39 so far meds are working. High blood pressure runs on both sides of the tree.
I take 3 pills a day for it, benazepril, amlodipine, and HCTZ. My Dad always had nice low BP but my Mom and her side of the family had real high BP and diabetes. Wouldn't you know I'd be so lucky to take my health after my Mom's side. Do your best to lose weight. That always helps almost any health issue. I have an exercise bike I ride and I can tell it helps. Still runs about 145 over 90 with meds and as much exercise as my back will allow but considering it ran about 200 over 160 before it's a big improvement
Thanks guys! I can always count on FABO! My bp has been more normal since starting just
5 mg of Lisinopril. Tonight it was 126/85. A couple days ago it was 160/110 and I became really anxious!My pulse stays high, but I need conditioning.
It really helps hearing what you guys experience.
I will be turning 46 on 1/13/14, so God willing I will get in better shape and have more time with my son.

Yes, Tike (dartnabout) I am becoming old! LOL
add me to the list. three BP pills,one cholesterol and one water pill a day and one at night. I'm like a walking drug store. I have a cdl class A drivers licenses and you have to get checked once a year to keep your cdl. wes
I take Metoprolol ER Succinate once a day at night.....I started this two years ago
quit smoking 8 years ago cold turkey...drink decaf coffee and stopped eating chocolate as well...it does have caffine in it......
my pressure has dropped and held steady for the last year for the most part...I have times when I see the doc and it up...but I also have stress and angxity(spelling) so at time it goes up....
but for the most part it works great for me...was going to go on what your on...but side effects weren't on my want list so the doc put me on this....its great so far
add me to this list...Was on Diovan but switched to sumtin else...don't remember the name of it. Took several different pills before finding one that I could tolerate.....they all made me cough damn near non-stop. With just the med my blood pressure was at the high end of the "normal" range. By adding COQ10 to it it lowered it to 120/80. I am lugging around 60 or so pounds extra. My mothers blood pressure was always low...the worse night of her life, when my Dad had 5 strokes and the second brain surgery in 1 week, it was 90/60 or so....

from what I have learned from others with high blood pressure they cough as well from the meds.......I do but just as if I had a tickle in the back of my throat....
from what I have learned from others with high blood pressure they cough as well from the meds.......I do but just as if I had a tickle in the back of my throat....

Coughed on everyone of them until they gave me Diovan. I have GEHA for my secondary insurance, they cover my meds. A 3 month supply of it, co-pay wise, was close to $100. Losartan is a generic of it, I think...That is what I am taking now, 3 month supply is $15.....and no cough.....I was told if you cough while on a bp med it is not the one for you....
Coughed on everyone of them until they gave me Diovan. I have GEHA for my secondary insurance, they cover my meds. A 3 month supply of it, co-pay wise, was close to $100. Losartan is a generic of it, I think...That is what I am taking now, 3 month supply is $15.....and no cough.....I was told if you cough while on a bp med it is not the one for you....

well then I better go back and see my doc and have him change my med so I don't cough anymore...it keeps the wife up at night....
well then I better go back and see my doc and have him change my med so I don't cough anymore...it keeps the wife up at night....

Probably a good idea. My old doc in AZ was the one who got me started on the bp meds. We went thru half a dozen or so before finding one that I had no cough on. Several of them the cough was so bad my chest hurt, a couple of them had a very mild cough, like what you describe.....but he told me that any cough at all is to much. Good Luck to you Sir....once you get rid of the cough might want to add COQ10. Without it my bp was in the "mild hypertension" range, with it I am in the 120/80 range....with an occasional 110/70. If you do add it give it at least a month or so to see if it helps.
My BP was on the high side of normal for years, but I resisted taking medication, opting to control it with diet and exercise. I've never been overweight, limit my salt intake, stopped smoking over three decades ago, and don't drink. Two years ago, I had a mild stroke, so finally had to resort to two pills a day. I hate taking pills of any kind, but putting up with the damage done by the stroke was no fun either.
That's one problem I do not have. My doctor calls it "don't give a ****" blood pressure. My last checkup it was 119/70. It always pisses her off cause my numbers are better than hers. She says some people just have good health numbers as part of their genetic makeup. Daddy always did too.
Years ago I had high BP and Chol.
Doc got me on pills but after a few years I got heartbeat rhythm issues. Hospital stopped all the pills for checks.
Later I cut down on salt use and lost some weight by losing the 'inbetweens' and doing 15-20 minute walks during lunchhours so I could stop with the pills all together.

Salt is really bad for BP.

Sometimes the drugs are worse than the cause.
You don't always need drugs to be healthy.