Who here has worked as a Porta Potty sucker ?


Kern Dog

Build your car to handle.
FABO Gold Member
May 23, 2010
Reaction score
Granite Bay CA
Man...Summer days are the worst for this. I've been a Carpenter for years and it still sucks.
Sometimes the ****-sucker shows up right as we are eating lunch....The ungodly stench of anal waste and used beer wafts up in the air and gags almost everyone on the job. The dude that services our site wears a tank top, no gloves, no eye protection and regular street shoes.
Who are these people??? Who the hell has the ability to tolerate the smell? I don't care what it pays, it does not matter. You could dress me in an astronaut suit with my own air filtration system and I'd still say no.
Other jobs I've worked, the service guys would wear a rubber apron and work boots. Who knows? There has to be occasional spillage, right?
This one guy I knew was working a job when the ****-sucker rolled in to do the job. My friend said the sucker had the sucker wand in one hand and a sandwich in the other and smiled at him.
What the hell, man ???
i can understand what you mean, because i have a septic system and i have it pumped empty every 3 years.

i get the same guy everytime and he rolls up in a great big tanker truck, with a big smile and beef jerky. He will open the tank on a summer day and act like he don't smell anything. He gets what looks like a little propeller at the end of rod and the other end is a little motor with a handle and agitaes the poopie with it and pumps the tank out while he snacks on his beef jerky from his front shirt pocket.

Then he sticks his head partially in the tank and has me run water so he can see how well my leach feild is working.

Smile the whole time and acting like there is no smell yet it smells like crap 5 acres away and it feels like the fumes are burning your face from 20 feet away. i have no idea how he can stand to be almost in the tank.
So if these guys can't smell very good, it would be a waste for their wife/gf to wear perfume....
Unfortunately, after a while you get conditioned to it...
When we were in 2nd grade, they had the urinals that went to the floor in the school bathroom...

We would see who could stand back the farthest and make it...

Boys will be boys...
I am the great cornholio... I need TP for my bunghole....

Beavis Threatening Me.jpg
Aparrently you get used to it. Not event gonna try. I trucked water for a while, my buddy hauled it out. Tried to get me to go over to the dark side. No way.
Aparrently you get used to it. Not event gonna try. I trucked water for a while, my buddy hauled it out. Tried to get me to go over to the dark side. No way.

But if you do get used to the smell, does it ruin your taste and smell???

Temp or permanent???
Growing up we had a septic tank. City put sewer lines in, mandated everyone tie into them. Had to have the septic tank pumped/filled or removed. The poop pumper guy was kneeling down by the open tank. Mackey, our Collie we had, jumped on folks when they were kneeling down. She jumped on him from behind...needless to say what happened.....
Funny, a friend of mine and I were talking about this very subject a few days ago.

Just as we have people who are willing to devote 15 years of their life to school in order to reach their phD, we have those who are willing to pump our poop and dig ditches.

Just like there's a need for doctors, there's a need for poop pumpers and ditch diggers.

May not be as glamorous of a job as doctor, but at the end of the day when he goes to pay for his 12 pack of beer after an honest day's work, it doesn't matter how he earned that money, what matters is he worked for it and earned it. Pretty sure the store clerk doesn't give a rats *** about how he earned it either.
your **** is his bread and butter. I was on a plumber friends softball team: we were the "Brown Trout".

I worked in a meat and fish market. I had to clean the "break room" (where they break down the sides of beef to different cuts) and the fish case. The break room looked like a scene from CSI, with pools of blood on the ground and up the wall from the band saws, and chunks of cow and the fish case smelled like...fish. Used a high pressure hose to clean 90% of the break room but the fish case was not so easy. And after a week, I didnt even notice the fish smell anymore, but my mom wouldnt let me come home with those boots on! It paid $9.50 an hour back when minimum wage was 3.35....I lasted the summer and more...6 months.