Who knows what a Bogner Ecstacy 101b is ?

Right you are they were 4,500 did they come down ?
I just wanted to see if anyone knew what they are. I am a player and have one there is not much imo that touches them !!!! I got mine in 97 .
LOL, I googled it, I don't play but thought I'd look it up, came across some links where some are for sale for $3,599K :D
Lol I just wanted to find other gear snobs !! Lol It normaly means they play and are serious if they have one of theese.
I will post a pic of my music studio you can see mine. I just never get tired of hearing that thing roar it cuts through like nobodys bizzzzzzzzz !!!!
It normaly means they play and are serious if they have one of theese.

I respectfully disagree. I normally find that most people who spend serious amounts of cash on gear to be more about showing off than about being a better musician. They want the cool factor and for everyone to "Oh" and "ah" over their gear. Just my observation.
Well ears don't lie and if they did not sound good they would not sell since Bogner has been doing this a long time I guess they must sound good to people or they would not buy them. Why would someone who can't play spend big money on an amp ? What do you play through ? I have been at this since the early 80's played them all not much compares to a Bogner Ecstacy in my opinion no matter what kind of music you play 3 channels plexi mode two gain channels one clean .
Oh, don't mistake what I said to imply that Bogners are not great amps as I know they are. My point is that a lot of people will spend money on gear instead of taking classes and/or working on their skills set. I have heard great musicians play through some rather cheap equipment yet they sound awesome. On the flip side I have heard people with a $5k+ rig and sound like crap because their skills suck. Also, remember what I said from my first post, ..."I normally find that most people..." Of course, maybe I'm biased (prejudiced?) because I'm a bassist and not a guitarist! :D

As for my gear, I play through an old Trace Elliot RAH350SMX head into a Trace Elliot 1524 (2x15) and 4052h (4x5) "Bright Box". All of it pre-Gibson buyout gear. As I'm sure you know, it was primo (ie; snob gear!) gear back in the late 80's and early 90's.
Yes trace elliot was in the gear snob category imo. I agree a crappy or sloppy player can make the best equipment sound like mashed arse !! Yes as well a great player can make a crappy rigg sing !! Sorry I fealt a little defensive. Rock on !!!!