Who Makes a Decent Ice Tray?



Nov 15, 2005
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That's right, a refrigerator ice tray. I moved into a new house and the fridge doesn't have an ice maker, just about 7 of the crappy plastic "twist to loosen cubes" type. I busted two in the last month so I'm down to five. Four of those were manufactured/designed so that they nest so well that if fill them both with water and stack the second one on top, all the water get pushed out of the bottom one into my freezer. Crap! Now i've an ice cube tray "Jenga" game going on in there with the trays stacked about 15 degrees off center. WTF?

About a million years ago fridges use to have nice aluminum trays that loosened the ice when a handle was pulled. They used to shatter the ice sometimes but they lasted forever and they could be stacked.

Has anyone come up with a better ice cube tray? Yes, I know this is stupid but I'm drinking heavily and this is really starting to bother me, lol!
For the good ones go to the Salvation Army or Goodwill type of places. They have the old ones that won't die.
Well at least you have ice in yours I bought a fridge and every time I fill the ice trays and then go to get some ice they are empty, never seen anything like it before. Where is the water going?
I have had some of the cheapies from fred myer and they surprisingly have lasted a good 4 years and counting.
what about the rubber ones?
i have never used them but they seem cool
I'd forgotten about the old aluminum trays. Now I'm thinking of running a few down.


It says they're out of stock, but local stores may have something stashed away.

Update: Found a place that has them in stock:

enormous URL

Doc, you're the man! I hope all is well with you. Gonna be at Mopars on Thunder Mountain on Sunday?

Nooblike, I haven't seen the rubber trays that you speak of. Got a link or pic?

Speedy, ice does evaporate. I'd never seen it until i moved to the southwest. i got into an argument with a fiance' accusing her of not knowing how to fill a tray. She was right :( No wonder it took so freaking long to find a wife, lol! Of course they may have a slow leak?

res1vw21, no fred meyers in this area, bummer.
Gonna be at Mopars on Thunder Mountain on Sunday?

I'd like to buzz up there, but I got roped into turning wrenches on a Chevy and fixing some network stuff for a friend. If everything is cooperative, I may make it later in the day. On the upside, the Dart is sportin' super-cool Collector plates as of about noon today. 8)
Talk about a flashback,,,those ice trays with the handles.

Forgot about them until this post. Can't believe they make them now, but $10 a piece,,,,yikes. I'm running 12 ice trays a day.

The ones I use are from wal mart. I think they come in a 2 pack for a few $$ or so. Much better that most. They are white in color and rubbermaid brand.

Work great for a Friday night ice down,,,,,lol :drinkers:
I'd like to buzz up there, but I got roped into turning wrenches on a Chevy and fixing some network stuff for a friend. If everything is cooperative, I may make it later in the day. On the upside, the Dart is sportin' super-cool Collector plates as of about noon today. 8)

Right on. ahh..the never ending "network stuff for a friend". I'm trying to put the kibosh on that stuff unless a damn good BBQ and party favors are in the mix, lol!

Good news on the Dart! Since you're mobile, you'll have to drop by and check out the new place sometime.
Talk about a flashback,,,those ice trays with the handles.

Forgot about them until this post. Can't believe they make them now, but $10 a piece,,,,yikes. I'm running 12 ice trays a day.

My goodness man, 12 trays a day?
I buy the rubbermaid brand,:-D They stack good and They last me about 6 months , Buy the 6 pack and you should be a happy man for about 5 dollar.
What are we drinking tonight ramcharger??:cheers::drinkers:
I think Edelbrock makes a pretty fast one and Crane Cams has the loudest LOL. No just kidding ya.

Can you install an automatic ice maker in a frige that did not come with one? That would be cool. You could drink and not have to deal with it then.
ICE TRAYS, Jesus ramcharger, you've been out in the outhouse with the Sears and Roebuck catalogue again haven't you, admit it.[-X[-X

I buy the rubbermaid brand,:-D They stack good and They last me about 6 months , Buy the 6 pack and you should be a happy man for about 5 dollar.
What are we drinking tonight ramcharger??:cheers::drinkers:

Bacardi again my friend with a bit of "James Gang" for background music. And you?

ICE TRAYS, Jesus ramcharger, you've been out in the outhouse with the Sears and Roebuck catalogue again haven't you, admit it.[-X[-X


I used to love that catalogue in the 70's! Mini-bikes, guns, and half naked women, lol! What's not to love?

Remember when all appliances were olive green or harvest yellow? lol!

I have moved up a bit and now do my business indoors now. I remember having to throw a cup of lime in after every, ahem, #2. Ahh...Life in the country.
I know a guy here that filles 1/2 gallon milk jugs
and freezes it and then beats the hell out of it with a hammer then buts it in a bowl in his freezer.:toothy10:
He can squeeze a dime out of a penny:toothy10:
Yup nothing like planting your butt over a frozen hole then wondering why nothing wanted to work as it should.

That ice down needs to be cooooold. 90 degrees here today.

Ah...Arizona. I'm guessing that it's not Flagstaff either, lol. I was in Toucson once and saw it hit 118 F. Pretty place and I had the urge to get behind a giant sauro with a pistol and get a pic (like I was holding it up) but it was a business trip and my co-workers were freaking out that I even had a gun for pete's sake. Totaly legal to pack exposed in AZ if you can legally own a firearm. I dig it.
I know a guy here that filles 1/2 gallon milk jugs
and freezes it and then beats the hell out of it with a hammer then buts it in a bowl in his freezer.:toothy10:
He can squeeze a dime out of a penny:toothy10:

Mike, thanks bro! I'm truly LMAO!
Yup nothing like planting your butt over a frozen hole then wondering why nothing wanted to work as it should.


Winter was truly the worst, although chasing the bats out in the spring was no joy either, lol! GD mice/voles stealing the TP sucked too. :angry7: