Who Wears the Pants?



Life is an experiment
Mar 13, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Oklahoma
Who Wears the Pants?

Jack was going to be married to Jill, so his father sat him down for a little fireside chat.

"Jack, let me tell you something. On my wedding night in our honeymoon suite, I took off my pants and handed them to your mother, and said, "Here, try these on."

So, she did and said: "These are too big, I can't wear them.'"

So I replied: "Exactly. I wear the pants in this family and always will." Ever since that night we have never had any problems."

Jack thought that might be a good thing to try. So on his honeymoon he took off his pants and said to Jill: "Here try these on."

She did and said: "These are too large, they don't fit me."

So Jack said: "Exactly. I wear the pants in this family and I always will, and I don't want you to ever forget that."

Then Jill removed her pants, handed them to Jack and said: "Here, you try on mine."

He tried and said: "I can't get into your pants."

So she said: "Exactly. And if you don't change your attitude, you never will."
like I always tell her friends, the only reason the wife wears the pants in our family is because I cant keep mine on around her
I get a kick out of this song too!
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7kMTbJl-aQ&feature=share&list=UUV-mEIJgLk3vNpmwkF-JcPw"]The Man Song by Sean Morey - YouTube[/ame]
I have got to remember that one :D laughed out loud :D