Who You going to call ?

Here is the link Asa was talking about a ghost light.


By Paul A. Roales

Last Updated January 5, 2006

Jefferson City, Missouri
News Release by Leslie Kennon

The Ozarks, thousands of sprawling acres of scenic beauty and packed full of Indian and colorful local legend, is reviving one of its oldest phenomena -the "ghost lights".

For more than 50 years, especially since the coming of the auto age, tourists from all over the country have come to see them; national magazines have given space to the story; photographers have tried in vain to take pictures.

And today the "ghost lights" are becoming a top tourist attraction in the area. No one can explain their origin. No one can give an accurate account of whence they came nor can any two people describe the lights in the same words.

To each it is something different, a symbolism of something unknown, sometimes feared, always interesting. It is, to the tourists' way of thinking something unique which they cannot find anywhere else and which is well worth their time to visit.

The "ghost lights," as they are called by local citizens, appear actually as one bright light, often dimming and then bouncing back over the rolling mountains as a great blaze of light. It is as though some giant ball player were taking his gigantic ball of light and tossing it in the air, sometimes catching it on the mountain which serves as his mitt, or sometimes missing it when it disappears.

During World War 11 the U.S. Corps of Engineers spent weeks in the area with the latest scientific equipment. They tested caves, mineral deposits, highway routes, every possible logical explanation as to why the lights existed. They came away baffled.

Of late, nationally known scientists have visited the area and as yet, they have not come up with the answer.

Area residents come away with stories which would go well on Hallowe'en. As a Joplin police officer said, after relating a weird experience on the oft-traveled ghost light road, "It was the last time I've been there and It's the last time I'm going there".

Legend has it that an old time miner carrying his lantern across the fields disappeared and that it is his lantern which still causes the light to shine.

In a more logical sense, it is a definite tourist attraction of the area, a little extra in a tourist's trip to the Ozarks, the Shepherd of the Hills country or on to Central Missouri to the Lake of the Ozarks or other points. (End News Release)
The Offical Story of the Hornet Ghost Light (above) is wrong on many counts. First, photos of the lights are available...for example the postcard shown above and my photo below. Second, the explanation for the lights is very simple.

I arrived at the Spook Light Museum near Joplin, MO at 4:30 PM on April 4, 1980. It was closed and padlocked. I had driven from my home in Tulsa, OK to see for myself the Hornet Ghost Light famous in Fortean literature since it first appeared around 1886. The best spot to view the light is 1/4 mile out on a dirt road due west from the Spook Light Museum. To get there coming from the West take the first Missouri exit off Interstate 44 then double back west along the south outer road to State Line Road (gravel) and take State Line Road 3.8 miles south to the Spook Light Museum. The picture below of the Spook Light Museum and its owner "Spooky" Middleton is from OK Magazine for 10/28/79.
When I first arrived at the site it was about 2 hours before sunset. The sky was clear. The temperature was about 45 degrees and there was a light breeze. Looking due west down the Spook Light Road with my 7x35 binoculars I could see a stretch of distant highway, which confirmed what my research had told me I would see. If you examine a topographic map of the Joplin, MO area you will notice a 4.5 mile stretch of US Route 66 which runs due east from Commerce, OK to Quapaw, OK before turning North (colored yellow on the map below). From my location on Spook Light Road (at the red X on the map below) I was 9.7 miles due east of the eastern end of that stretch of straight highway. The binoculars clearly revealed that stretch of US 66 and occasional flashes of light reflecting from cars on that highway caused by the sun setting in the West. I knew that after the sun set I would no longer be able to see those reflections, but the car's headlights would be in my direct line of vision. When the museum opened at 6:00 PM I spent about 40 minutes talking to 70 year old Garland (Spooky) Middleton about the lights and reading the mass of newspaper clippings about the ghost light that he has pasted on the walls of his museum-pool hall.


After the sun set at about 6:40 PM I returned to my observation point and could already see the Spook Light directly west of me on the road. My binoculars proved the Spook Light was nothing more that car headlights on that stretch of Highway 66 in Oklahoma about 10 miles away. Occasionally several lights were visible with my binoculars (representing 2 or more cars), but the lights would merge into one light when seen with the naked eye. The presence of more or less cars could explain the apparent brightening and dimming of the Spook Light as seen by the naked eye. I remained at the site until about 8:00 PM studying and photographing the Spook Light. The best photos were obtained shortly after sunset on Kodachrome 64 film at 1/15 sec. with my 50mm Minolta lens opened to F 1.4.

So the Hornet Ghost Lights are only car headlights. How about other famous Ghost Lights...like the ones in Marfa, TX or the Brown Mountain Ghost Lights in North Carolina. Well, I have never seen the Marfa Lights, but I have seen the Brown Mountain Lights and I believe they are lights refracted/reflected from the town of Hickory, NC. But that is another story.

January 2001 Update
The page above has brought lots of emails since I posted it, almost every one disagreeing with me. One person even said that the topographic map was wrong and there was a hill between my observation point and Highway 66 which would prevent me from seeing the highway (perhaps the hill grew since I was there in 1980). But I will stick to my story.
To make a couple points: 1) Yes the spook light was seen before there were cars, but very infrequently. Those sightings could easily be explained by cabin lights or campfires in the vicinity of the future towns of Commerce or Quapaw. And 2) In every photograph I have seen of the spook light it is in the same place (just left of center of the base of the "V" of trees down the road). Look at my color photo above, the postcard above, the photo (Plate 21) in the book "Earth Lights Revelation", etc. In every photo the light is in the same place...exactly where it can be explained by the cars on Highway 66 as I mention above. If my explanation is wrong, why is the spook light in the same place in all the photos?
March, 2003 Update
And the emails keep coming. Here is a recent one:

"From: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 21:19:20 EST
Subject: (no subject)
To: [email protected]
X-Mailer: 6.0 for Windows XP sub 52
I wantyou to know that I think youre screwed in the head about the hornet spook light it is not headlight reflected they were seen numerous times before cars NOT rarely like you said. all you stupid geologists who think that they know everything are so full of ****!!!! thank you

woofie "

I guess his mother never told him that if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
I am willing to hear from reasonable people, but if woofie reflects your attitude, don't bother to email me. January 2006 Update
When I first visited the Hornet Spook Light Museum in 1980 I remember seeing a newspaper clipping on the museum wall that stated the Army Corps of Engineers had proven the lights were only car headlights. But I was never able to find that reference. Many ghost light web pages carry the claim that the Army Corps of Engineers were not able to explain the lights. Finally someone who read this page tracked down the original 1946 report by the Army Corps of Engineers and passed it on to me.
From an article titled:"Solving The Mystery Of The Tri-State Spook Light" in The Kansas City Star of Sunday, May 19, 1946, on pages C1 and C2 by Charles W. Graham (a member of The Star's Staff) it states that under the command of Maj. Thomoas E Sheard of Camp Crowder, they contacted Richard Y. Jones, chief of the civil engineering dept., who with his friend Joe Duck had already determined the cause of the lights but had never officially reported their findings, and began an investigation. Using car lights and sycronyzed watches on a scheduled system on the Quapaw road, they were able to reproduce virtually all of the observered phenomena commonly reported as the ghost light.
So my explanation is not new. It is strange that the Army Corps of Engineers report is not better known. Maybe because it debunks the ghost lights?

I hope you have enjoyed my efforts. Feel free to email me with suggestions for improvements. RETURN TO MY HOMEPAGE HERE. You will find my email link there. You can also access my other web pages from there.
I can not believe I forgot to mention this but there is a barn back home that is rumored to have been built were a old burnt down barn was. Rumor has it that a group of indians trapped a family in the house and burnt it down killing everyone. Now when you drive past it at night all you can see is the outline of the newer barn but when you are coming from the other direction you can see a red glow coming from the inside of the barn. It is very visible, the light comes out from the gaps between the boards. The owner has some old cars around their property so one day I stopped by and asked them about the cars. The old man took me into the barn to show me an old Nova and I was looking around for anything that may have cause the glow but there was nothing at all. I even considered the reflection form the brake lights but he had the nova covered. Right before I left I finally asked him about it and he said people stop by all the time asking about it but they have never found out what caused it and that if you are inside the barn at night everything looks normal.
Yeah Asa your ghost light covers states
I seen that lol more then i thought thanks cliff for the help bud

I can not believe I forgot to mention this but there is a barn back home that is rumored to have been built were a old burnt down barn was. Rumor has it that a group of indians trapped a family in the house and burnt it down killing everyone. Now when you drive past it at night all you can see is the outline of the newer barn but when you are coming from the other direction you can see a red glow coming from the inside of the barn. It is very visible, the light comes out from the gaps between the boards. The owner has some old cars around their property so one day I stopped by and asked them about the cars. The old man took me into the barn to show me an old Nova and I was looking around for anything that may have cause the glow but there was nothing at all. I even considered the reflection form the brake lights but he had the nova covered. Right before I left I finally asked him about it and he said people stop by all the time asking about it but they have never found out what caused it and that if you are inside the barn at night everything looks normal.
Now thats some thing i would like to see ..
I used to listen to George Noory (coast to coast am)when I was driving nights. He would sure keep you awake. Some pretty enlightening stuff on that show!! :)
My daughter played travel ASA softball in SoCal prior to getting a full ride scholarship some years ago. We were in Indianapolis where her team was competing for the 16 & under National Championship. We were both sound asleep when the phone rang. I got it on the first ring and she continued sleeping very soundly. The caller was my sister calling to tell me my aunt had passed away. The entire conversation was very quiet and fairly short. I never said anything during the conversation mentioning either my aunt's name or what had happened.
The next morning I told my daughter about my aunt and she said, "I know".
Shocked, I asked her how she knew and she said, "Because she came to me in my sleep to tell me 'goodbye'".
I've never seen anything, but I am a believer.
Dart_doctor its about 40 miles east of cincinnati in a little town called bethel. I drive by it a lot going hunting and headed out to my friends and the last time I saw it over the summer it still worked. Its been there for as long as I could drive...I used to take girls by it all the time in the dart and put my bench seat to use.
Here's some info on Bachelor's Grove which is about 15 minutes from where I live.



[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZTcTY5oMyU"]Bachelors Grove Cemetery. - YouTube[/ame]

Here's another haunted cemetary 15 minutes in another direction from me.


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8GuszRuOXQ"]RESURRECTION MARY sighting AUG 12, 2011 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1jidWZBrso"]Ghosts Of Illinois: Resurrection Mary EVP - YouTube[/ame]
The house that I live in isn't an old house (as houses go). It was built in the early 80's and mine is the 2nd family to live here. My parents bought it from, my now good friend's, Grandparents. No deaths or anything weird in the house.

About 4 years ago I started hearing singing coming from the room next to mine. My parents were using it as a computer room at the time. The singing is what I always imagined a mother singing a lullaby to her child would sound like (my mother did never this kind of thing). I have never been able to make out the song, from my room it is muffled, but still not a song that I recognize. If I got up and went into the room, the singing stopped before I reached the door.

After a few weeks I gave trying to find the source and started letting myself fall asleep to it. I usually stay up pretty late and the singing always starts after I have been in bed for about 20 mins or so. Just me and my parents in the house and no tv's or radios on the house when this happens.

About a year later I had to get out of bed to go to the bathroom after laying there for an hour listening and not able to fall asleep. When I turned to get out of bed (I sleep with my door closed) I looked over toward the door and there was a faded, almost gray, silhouette of a woman in a flowered dress standing next to my desk by the door. At first of course I thought I was just seeing things. Gave my eyes a few seconds to focus and looked again and she was still there.

I have no idea how long I layed there trying to figure what I should do, it seemed like forever. When I finally decided to get out of bed and turn the light on, she was gone before I got to the switch, but as I turned the light on I heard a womans voice say "Good night". Nothing nasty or anything sinister, just a motherly good night.

I turned the light on and opened the door and there was an older man standing in the hallway. Nobody I recognized and he looked mad. I decided to make a break for the bathroom and when I stepped out he too said "Good night", but not like she did. I could hear the anger and sarcasm in his voice. As soon as he said it, he was gone.

To this day this was my only face to face encounter with either of them. About a year ago the room was changed out from a computer room to a bedroom and the singing stopped for a few months then started back up again. I can count on her to sing me to sleep every night when I lay down. I don't know if the singing is meant for me, but find it odd that I never hear it any other time. And like I said I stay up late, I usually don't get to bed til about 4:30 or 5 am. Although I can't say I ever want to run into him again, I'm glad the singing didn't stop for good.

Anyway, thats my story. Have a good one all!
I have a feeling that will be the last story lol that will be a hard one to beat.
Since 2002, every Thursday I work on the Telephone/Data network for Flagler College in St Augustine Florida. The town has a well known reputation for ghosts and ghost stories. I was never really a believer until a few years ago when I was working in the attic of one of the buildings the college owns.

The scope of work was to install a network cable for a printer in a second floor office, which means I had to run it through the attic to get in to the second floors wall caps. While I was surveying the path to get the cable in place I had to enter a walk-in closet, it had at least 50 big flies, looked like horse flies and they were only in the closet, not in the room/office. That was wierd............ Then I made my way up to the 3rd floor. The attic has 4 small windows that allow sunlight in and a few scattered bulbs, so the lighting is dim. As I was routing the cable towards the office, I saw a shadow move past me and across the room(goosebumps just now). I freaked out and left the attic area and went outside and looked at the attic access from outside. After I got myself back together I went back in and finished the work.

I have had to do more work there over the years and am always apprehensive about working in that attic, but I have no choice.

Here is a wiki link for the house.



  • 800px-St_Aug_Markland01.jpg
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my wife and I arrived around 10pm at a bed and breakfast on the southern edge of the Gettysburg Battlefield. The place is a big old farmhouse, wooden floors...you get the picture. Having spent the previous days in DC, we were tired. I went right to sleep (as usual) and woke up around 1pm, hearing loud footsteps in the room ....at first I thought my wife had gotten up to go to the bathroom, but she hardly makes any noise and the bathroom light was off.... it was completely dark except for the small blue "power" light on the cable box across the room. I turned to look to see if she was in bed. She was sitting half upright, on her elbows..looking right at me..eyes big as saucers, and whispered "do you hear that?...it has been going on for about an hour". It sounded like someone was walking (boots on a wooden floor) from the far side of the bed to a corner in the room ...then over to another corner....then back. Then it would do it again.
At first, I thought something/someone was in the room...physically...but no one passed in front of the blue power light. This went on for another couple of hours... 5 minutes of walking /shuffling around....then quiet for 10 minutes. Then start again.
Finally around 3:30 I said aloud...."Come on , we are tired...can you give it a rest" At that very moment, the footsteps went from the bathroom side corner to the far side of the room to a small day bed ...and it sounded like someone laid down on the bed. ....10 minutes later we heard footsteps coming from the bed and over to the corner where there was an old armwaire and seemed to jiggle the latch ...so Jodee says aloud (now getting mad)..."A lot of good that did"....Immediately, the footsteps headed back to the bed and finally quiet.

During breakfast we listened intently to the other guests to see if anyone mentioned any similiar experiences in their room....none.... so I stepped into the kitchen and asked the owner/manager if anyone ever mentioned anything strange going on in the room we stayed. She said all the time....they knew/thought it was the old Dutchman that built the house. We went back and looked thru the guest book in the room and there were several entries of the same experience.

was NOT scary in the least...we loved it.... until the experience drug on for hours, then it became annoying. We feel lucky to hear whoever/whatever it was during the night.

I would go back in a heartbeat and stay in the room....

I'm pretty sure it was the ...Battlefield Bed and Breakfast, but will have to find the name of the room (they name their bedrooms after Civil War Generals...but they should name it after the spirit that is still there .....but maybe some would not want to stay there

Post script....I just goggled this place to make sure I got the name right....all kinds of Ghost stuff....wait till my wife sees this...we will be heading back!!!
my wife and I arrived around 10pm at a bed and breakfast on the southern edge of the Gettysburg Battlefield. The place is a big old farmhouse, wooden floors...you get the picture. Having spent the previous days in DC, we were tired. I went right to sleep (as usual) and woke up around one....at first I thought my wife had gotten up to go to the bathroom but no light was on...and it was completely dark except for the small blue "power" light on the cable box across the room. I turned to look to see if she was in bed. She was sitting half upright, on her elbows..looking right at me..eyes big as saucers, and whispered "do you hear that?...it has been going on for about an hour". It sounded like someone was walking (boots on a wooden floor) from the far side of the bed to a corner in the room ...then over to another corner....then back. Then it would do it again.
At first, I thought something/someone was in the room...physically...but no one passed in front of the blue power light. This went on for another couple of hours... 5 minutes of walking /shuffling around....then quiet for 10 minutes. Then start again.
Finally around 3:30 I said aloud...."Come on , we are tired...can you give it a rest" At that very moment, the footstep went from the bathroom side corner to the far side of the room to a small day bed ...and it sounded like someone laid down on the bed. ....10 minutes later we heard footsteps coming from the bed and over to the corner where there was an old armwaire and seemed to jiggle the latch ...so Jodee says aloud (now getting mad)..."A lot of good that did"....Immediately, the footsteps headed back to the bed and finally quiet.

During breakfast we listened intently to the other guests to see if anyone mentioned any similiar experiences in their room....none.... so I stepped into the kitchen and asked the owner/manager if anyone ever mentioned anything strange going on in the room we stayed. She said all the time....they knew/thought it was the old Dutchman that built the house. We went back and looked thru the guest book in the room and there were several entries of the same experience.

was NOT scary in the least...we loved it.... until the experience drug on for hours, then it became annoying. We feel lucky to hear whoever/whatever it was during the night.

I would go back in a heartbeat and stay in the room....

If you want, I will dig up the name B and B..and the name of the room (they name their bedrooms after Civil War Generals...but they should name it after the spirit that is still there .....but maybe some would not want to stay there
We was told to wate for you lol Nice story man . I could handle that .. Its when they pop out of no where and scare the shitt out of you .
When I was around 14 or 15 yrs old my Mom got an old photograph of a lady that was from the 1800's that she hung on the wall. For some reason my sister began to comment that the picture was haunted because of some strange occurrences that I do not remember as I am 60 yrs old now. I had no belief in ghosts or spirits and had no concern. I had a wooden gun rack on my bedroom wall with a shotgun and 22 rifle. One night while sleeping I heard a tremendous crash in my room that woke me immediately. I jumped out of bed and turned on the light to see what had happened. Both guns were on the floor and the wooden gun rack was still on the wall but the four curved supports for the guns were sheered off. I did not think much of it at that moment and went back to bed thinking the wood just broke for some reason. The next morning my Dad and I looked at the rack and he said something had to put a lot of pressure on it for it to break like that and we began to wonder if the suspect ghost from the old photograph had done it. It wasn't long after that my Mom got rid of the framed picture and no further odd things happened.
When I was around 14 or 15 yrs old my Mom got an old photograph of a lady that was from the 1800's that she hung on the wall. For some reason my sister began to comment that the picture was haunted because of some strange occurrences that I do not remember as I am 60 yrs old now. I had no belief in ghosts or spirits and had no concern. I had a wooden gun rack on my bedroom wall with a shotgun and 22 rifle. One night while sleeping I heard a tremendous crash in my room that woke me immediately. I jumped out of bed and turned on the light to see what had happened. Both guns were on the floor and the wooden gun rack was still on the wall but the four curved supports for the guns were sheered off. I did not think much of it at that moment and went back to bed thinking the wood just broke for some reason. The next morning my Dad and I looked at the rack and he said something had to put a lot of pressure on it for it to break like that and we began to wonder it the suspect ghost from the old photograph had done it. It wasn't long after that my Mom got rid of the framed picture and no further odd things happened.
Now thats a thinker . good story thanks
I tried to post this yesterday and the power went out in the whole neighborhood, weird.

Anyway, when I was 15 (about '81), I lied about my age to get a job on the night shift at one of the first self-serve gas stations in town. Both my parents worked so it was really no concern to them that I was gone until 1 am 3 days a week. To get to the job and back, I had to walk past St. Peter's Church and the cemetary. No big deal I thought, I knew no one was going to buy me a car and this was my solution to the problem.

One early morning walking home from work, I noticed that there was a dug hole in the cemetary right next to the sidewalk. As I got closer, I saw the big mound of dirt and as I got closer still..... I saw a casket next to the hole and a shovel sticking out of the mound of dirt and the brass pulley system used to lower the coffin into the hole. "Weird" I thought, "Why would they be burying someone in the dead of night?". Needless to say, I was pretty creeped out and picked up the pace on the way home.

Next afternoon I was really curious as to what the deal was and was looking forward to seeing the new gravestone and sod just to "verify" what I saw the night before. As I got closer, there was nothing there.... Once I got right up to the spot and looked through the fence there was nothing, grass not disturbed, no dirt, no tombstone, nothing....

Another time when I was much younger,, maybe about 8, I saw something I can't explain but remember like it happened yesterday. There was a very sweet older lady who lived a few houses down from us. If I would get sick or if school had a day off that my parents didn't have, she would always take care of me. She would slice up apples really thin, put them into a bowl and sprinkle sugar on them, play cards with me, etc. She really was a super cool lady. :)

She passed away suddenly and I remember my parents telling me so. Not too long after, maybe a month, I was riding my bike down the sidewalk when there she was! She was pushing her two wheel wire old lady cart down the sidewalk towards her house. I stopped maybe 6' in front of her and waved and said "Hi!", but her expression never changed. As she passed me, looking into her blue eyes was like staring into the sky and her skin was a translucent pale white. I wasn't scared at all and just thought "Oh well, she's just ignoring me, she must be busy" and I just pedalled up the sidewalk a bit and looked back, but there was nothing to be seen. I never thought about it until I got a little older, that's when I realized I had seen her ghost, going about her business as if she had never really gone.
Here's some info on Bachelor's Grove which is about 15 minutes from where I live.



Bachelors Grove Cemetery. - YouTube

Here's another haunted cemetary 15 minutes in another direction from me.


RESURRECTION MARY sighting AUG 12, 2011 - YouTube

Ghosts Of Illinois: Resurrection Mary EVP - YouTube

Having grown up in Chicago, I've heard of Bachelor's Grove and Ressurection Mary. I never went to the Grove but friend's have. :happy1: Chicago is one haunted *** town.
What I tell ya!

my experience pails compared to the other stories I've read on this site.

what I enjoyed about it was that it lasted for hours and it seemed to interact with us.Too often, a paranormal experience is but a fleeting moment.

I enjoyed DroVals story....sounds like it continues....
When I was 16 we lived in an old house that had been an old folks home for years, it was known as the french house. It had 7 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms a dumb waiter going from the kitchen up to the second floor. And a landry chute from the second floor down to the basement.
I was home alone one night and was watching tv when I heard a big crash upstairs. Like someone pushed over a dresser.
Scared me so bad I ran outside and locked myself in my dads pickup untill my sister and her boy friend came home.
When we went into the house and looked around upstairs nothing was wrong.

My Sister told me her and Ned where there one night alone and the cupboard doors in the kitchen started opening and closing by themselves.

To go into the basement there was a big door at the bottom that was lined with metal that closed by its self when you went down there.

My mom had to go there to do the landry, she was taking cloths out of the washer and putting the in the dryer and heard her Grandmother say her name. It was clear enough that it made her turn around to look where she heard the voice come from.

My Great Grandmother had died about two weeks before. Scared my mom so bad she made one of us kids go down with her to do the landry after that.

All of us where glad when we moved out of that place.
Great stories everyone. I have always loved hearing these kinds of things.

Got another one for you. I was about 13 and my sisters had made friends with most of the neighborhood boys (go figure, lol). As time went on they also became my friends as well. Shannon, my sisters boyfriend at the time, had an old axe handle down in the basement where we used to all hang out. Supposedly it was left from when the house built.

It was always sticking out from under the couch or some odd place like that. One day Shannon and his little brother got into a fight and the axe handle was used by the younger brother. Fortunately there was usually a bunch of us there, so no major damage done to either brother. When his Mom came home and found out about the fight she made Shannon throw the axe handle in the trash. The next morning, the axe handle was back in the basement and no one could figure out why.

We all thought they were making it up, but they supposedly tried several times over the next few weeks to get rid of it and it always wound up back in the house. We even went as far as taking it to grocery store dumpsters, away from the house, to get rid of it, but it always ended back in the basement somewhere the next morning.

Eventually all efforts to throw it away ceased. Everyone got used to it being around. They finally moved out of the house in the late 90's and tried to take it with them to the new house, but the next morning it was gone. The new owners of the house aren't very friendly, so there was never much opportunity to ask about it. Not a great story, but figured it was worth telling anyway.