Who's a diabetic??



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 28, 2009
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Ontario Parts Unknown
So I just got diagnosed with diabetes....RIGHT FRICKIN ON!! Im not really that concerned about it, but the Doc and Diabetic Educational Consultant seem to be going a million miles an hour and is freaking me out. I figured a change in diet, some meds and upgrading my eyeglasses....no big deal, but wanted to see what everyones symptoms were leading to their diagnosis. I get severe leg cramps(helps make the sex last longer LOL), tingling in one arm that can last for days, the other arm feels like carpal tunnel with the constant ache, occasional anxiety attacks, mostly at night. Anyway, besides the huge med bills, what can I look fwd to?? Lori and I go see the Doc tomorrow for a sit down. I know I sound like a whiner, but I am wondering if some of the bs I am feeling is related to the diabetes.

I have been for 3 years now i never knew i was till i went in for my D.O.T. phyisical and they said they couldnt pass me because my sugar was up over 350. ive kept mine under control the whole time with just pills by eating better and exercising when i can . Eat more salads more protein and less carbs and sugar . thats pretty easy really , you can eat some junk food but keep it under control .as far as the symptoms yes some of those can be related to diabetes not so much the anxiety attacks though those are more likely stress induced but the pain numbness and tingling could be . your doctor might say different depending on how severe yours is but if you keep your bloodsugar between 70 - 140 you have a much greater chance of leading a normal life without the complications it causes . very rarely do i let mine get over 140 because if it does i get tired, not good when i drive truck for a living lol. under 70 and you can start geting headaches dizzyness and lightheaded . I went 4 days without food one time last year as i was laid off with no income at all and didnt have enough food for the 3 of us to eat so i went hungry so my wife and daughter would have enough food till we could get to a local food bank . bad idea my sugar went way low i passed out n woke up in the hospital 2 days later they told me i almost died from that . Its not something that should be taken lightly because it causes alot of problems . so what ever you do make sure you start taking better care of yourself , if your overweight go on a diet and loose some of it I was 340 when i found out i had it im 280 now and still trying to loose more but the medications most anyhow make it harder to lose weight . if you need any more info feel free to pm me im on here almost everyday atleast once a day
one more thing dont know if you already experienced this or not but I would advise you to take your meds the first time when you dont have to go to work or have plans to go anywhere because you will want to be near a toilet at all times unless you have an unlimited supply of underwear because the first couple days it can cause you to have the ***** worse than eating rotten chicken and a dozen bad eggs together
Since 1992 for me. I was in the hospital for a month with my heart attack,
when one day they came in and asked me how long I had been a diabetic. About 2 seconds I said. I didn't have any idea.

Took pills for several years...didn't control my sugar very well. They put me
on insulin 3 or 4 years ago. This made it a lot easier to control for me.

I've learned to live with it. If you are going to be on insulin, just make sure
you take the medication before eating. Don't wait till afterward and play catch
up. As of late I take a small cooler to keep my insulin cold if we are going out
to eat.
Thanks Cowboy, I knew it was inevitable, as my dad has had it for about 13 years...he was 54 when diagnosed, I am 43, so I got the jump on him there. As well my Grampa and Uncles have it too. Our measurements must be done differently here in Canada, as my doc said my blood sugar % was at 13?? He said anything over 9% is a problem. I asked dad what his level was when he was diagnosed and he said his was 16%. I just went and picked up a truckload of meds....not sure what all of them are, but they were about $500 for 3 months worth....thank christ my student drug plan is still going, but it still cost me $130. Lori is coming with me to the doc's tomorrow just in case I forget something. When I was at the docs last week he checked my feet with a tuning fork for circulation and all was good, but I have had spells where my right arm and hand have been tingling for the whole day, and then my left arm from shoulder to wrist aches to the point where it hurts to steer with it. Sorry to sound like Im whining, but I figured a change in diet(I weigh 230 anyway) so the diet wont hurt LOL, and pop some pills to fix me up. Oh ya and I have to piss about 4 times throughout the night....good God Im 43...cant wait to see what 63 is like!!
Oh great, so now I can hardly go an hour without pissing and now im gonna **** myself WTF???.....I hope Joey starts selling fabo undies....dark ones

Tony, no plans for the insulin yet, my dad takes it though, so I think thats in my future. they gave me pills to help the insulin, pills for blood pressure, coated aspirin and something else. Hopefully most of the questions will be answered tomorrow and then thursday, and then the nutritionist at the end of August.
They'll probably start you out on Metformin to begin with and that's what can take a bit to get used to gastronomically. One of the main side effects when you are getting acclimated to Metformin is the green apple trots. Your body will get used to it and it should pass within a week or two. The other thing they'll probably put you on is a sulfonylurea like glipizide. Metformin helps your cells utilize the insulin that you are currently producing but that your cells have become de-sensitized to. Glipizide gives your pancreas a goose to produce more insulin. It's a one/two punch. If that doesn't help there are some great new drugs that have just come out in the last few years, Byetta and Victoza. Downside is both of those are injections. And they are expensive and always require a pre-authorization from your insurance.
I just found out in Feb. I have it. I had 3 kidney stones that hit in Nov. and 1 wouldn't pass and was going in for a urine test about it (precursor to surgery) and they came out and wanted me right back in cause they said my urine had a bunch of sugar in it. Blood sugar level was a little over 300. The doc put me on a pill (Metformin) twice a day and it seems to be working. I never had any problems taking it. I think issues like that can vary greatly among people. I have taken other meds (I also have real high BP) that have had those kinds of side affects. The doc also had me see a dietician. I was 205 at the time and I'm down to 185 now. If it weren't for my back being so screwed up I could exercise more and loose some more weight. I have never heard of the symptoms you mentioned being from diabetes but I have a lot of them also. Problem is I had my rt. hand smashed in 95 so it's hard to say if the pain and numbness in it is from the old injury (for which I've had 3 surgeries) or diabetes. Also since I have several discs bad in my back it'd be hard to say if it's from the discs or diabetes. I do know one thing that must be from the diabetes and that's my vision problems. For the last year or so my right eye has been having spells of extreme blurriness (generally first thing in the morning) and now it's pretty well gone since my sugar is down. From my understanding diabetes is one of those diseases that can produce different symptoms in different people.

BTW: my entire Mom's family has it. Doc said it was pretty much inevitable. I just turned 47 when I found out.
Hey Redness, sounds like they are doing the same thing to me, 2 different drugs to help with insulin production and blood sugar????
Fishy68, our health sounds the same, I have some lwr discs that are cooked and have been for a while now...I weigh 230 and would imagine I will drop some weight with the meds. I wish I could use my bad back as an excuse for the extra weight, but I think its more like poor eating habits.
I'm not a diabetic but just recently lost my Grandfather due to the complications involved with diabetes. Trust me, take it seriously, get in shape, follow the doc's instructions, and be very aware of your condition. My Grandfather never really controlled it and diabetes destroyed every organ in his body.
I'm not a diabetic but just recently lost my Grandfather due to the complications involved with diabetes. Trust me, take it seriously, get in shape, follow the doc's instructions, and be very aware of your condition. My Grandfather never really controlled it and diabetes destroyed every organ in his body.

Wow sorry to hear about your Grampa, we are going to the docs today for the lecture.
Keep us updated and I hope you caught it soon and early My grandmother was diabetic,but this was after she turned 75 or so, I think I better keep my ideas to myself until after I learn more, All I do know is the better you eat and exercise the more you can enjoy cold beer Process meat's like you see in wrappers and some canned food's with additives that makes them have a longer shelf life is bad!! I like raw foods and have had way more then my fare share growing up and still enjoy allot of fresh fruits, avocados, carrots, celery and peanut butter and things like that.
I do know stay away from seasonings like BBQ and Meat tenderizers...
awaiting your return from the doc this morning 4spdragtop :-k

I have some of your symptoms, but they are from nerve and bone damage..
I have a 4020 Johnn Deere that got into my system when I was a young pup picking apples :toothy7: keep us updated please.
i had a infection on my rt foot lost three sm toes and part of my fooy last june found out then i was diabetic ive lost 50 lbs down to 180 from 235 in a year went back to work got a shear blister on side of foot in dec just got out of hospital from having lower leg ampution on rt leg waiting for healing process so make sure you take care of your feet and take your meds and lose wieght and eat healthy
Fishy68, our health sounds the same, I have some lwr discs that are cooked and have been for a while now...I weigh 230 and would imagine I will drop some weight with the meds. I wish I could use my bad back as an excuse for the extra weight, but I think its more like poor eating habits.

Poor eating habits were my problem too. I tried for a couple yrs. to fight the bad habits and would do ok for a while but eventually started the poor habits again. I have known a few diabetics that have had amputations and lost their sight from it and I guess it took hearing I have it to scare me into eating better. I still slip a little but then I think, remember Marty who's in a wheelchair because of his diabetes and poor eating and Clinton who's blind because of it. Picturing them in my mind keeps me on the straight and narrow. Loosing weight helped my back a little.
I am a diabetic myself since 2000 and started with metformin. I wished I had listened about diet and exercise then. But when I fell 2 months ago I found my blood sugar was off he charts and the hospital meter couldn't read how high it was.
They think that was the cause of everything I was going through. they do DL for meters here and I don't know what my A1C was, But I can say my blood sugar was over 800+. So I am set up with a very good Endocrinologist and have my blood sugar in the 109-180 range. Next week I am set up with a nutritionist and My doctor. I have went down from 350lbs to 322 and will keep dropping the weight even more.

So listen to your Doctor closely and do everything they advise. I have gone from fried foods to Baked,Broiled, decaf ice tea with sweet n low,and caffeine free diet drinks. I need to reduce the diet drinks more and drink more water to help bring my weight down. Foods I know that will raise my blood sugar I avoid that includes corn,lots of potato's,breads and anything with a lot of starch which some of my veggies I like have.
Sorry to hear Steve.Reading about others,sounds like you can control it.My mom and siste are diabetics and I,m at the age where I need to be tested.I,ve already lost the weight,from 195 to 165(having my 4 1/2 yr old daughter)made me change my drinking and eating ways.It also helped with my bad back.:thumblef:Isn,t aging a wonderful thing?Not!!
Type 2. I went in for a physical, got blood work and my sugar was at 550. YIKES. I had no symptoms other than lethargy.
So I just got diagnosed with diabetes....RIGHT FRICKIN ON!! Im not really that concerned about it, but the Doc and Diabetic Educational Consultant seem to be going a million miles an hour and is freaking me out. I figured a change in diet, some meds and upgrading my eyeglasses....no big deal, but wanted to see what everyones symptoms were leading to their diagnosis. I get severe leg cramps(helps make the sex last longer LOL), tingling in one arm that can last for days, the other arm feels like carpal tunnel with the constant ache, occasional anxiety attacks, mostly at night. Anyway, besides the huge med bills, what can I look fwd to?? Lori and I go see the Doc tomorrow for a sit down. I know I sound like a whiner, but I am wondering if some of the bs I am feeling is related to the diabetes.


well as you can see.... your not the only one.... lots of us out here... i found out in 1996 that i was... and i went about 355lbs (yep way to much... i tried everything to shed some pounds.... no luck i was only on the pills.... but i was taking 5 different Meds... about 10 pills a day just for a sugar problem.... couldn't get my sugar below 200... (YEP I WAS SLOWLY KILLING MYSELF) WHICE WASN'T GOOD FOR ME... i had cancer just before finding out i was diabetes.... well i mess around for a long time with it... shorten the story Dec. 2010 had to go into the Hosp. i had to shed some weight well today is July 5th 2011 i am down 80lbs sugar is down in the 110 to 120 range... so if your just finding out... remember being disbete is really bad for your eyes... feet.. all your organs so just work hard at keeping it in a safe level



Type 1 here. going on 24 yrs now...

Everyone seems to have good advice but I'll say it again because it's that important.
1. Listen to your doctor, but pay very close attention yourself.
2. Check your blood sugar often, not knowing is like playing Russian roulette.
3. Your body will recover from the years of high blood sugars but only to a point, damage is compounding.
4. Don't lose vigilance, diabetes is always there and doesn't take a day off, neither should you.
5. You are your own best advocate, you will find what works for you, the docs can only tell you what works for "most" folks.

One thing that's helped me is to pay attention to everything, what you eat, how you feel, what you did yesterday, how activity X affects appetite and sugar levels etc...

For example, After I spend the weekend working on the car, sugar levels will be lower as muscles are being repaired and I'm healing from the weekends fun.

Like I said, I've lived with it for a while with no complications. Feet are still super sensitive ( nerve damage/circulation indicator ) , highest A1C over the last 5 yrs was 6.3%. I can tell if my sugar is over about 150, fatigue, labored breathing and such.

If they do put you on insulin, and you can handle the expense of an insulin pump...jump on it in a heartbeat, no keeping insulin cool while your out and about, 1 shot every 3 days instead of multiple shots a day... I could go on and on...
well as you can see.... your not the only one.... lots of us out here... i found out in 1996 that i was... and i went about 355lbs (yep way to much... i tried everything to shed some pounds.... no luck i was only on the pills.... but i was taking 5 different Meds... about 10 pills a day just for a sugar problem.... couldn't get my sugar below 200... (YEP I WAS SLOWLY KILLING MYSELF) WHICE WASN'T GOOD FOR ME... i had cancer just before finding out i was diabetes.... well i mess around for a long time with it... shorten the story Dec. 2010 had to go into the Hosp. i had to shed some weight well today is July 5th 2011 i am down 80lbs sugar is down in the 110 to 120 range... so if your just finding out... remember being disbete is really bad for your eyes... feet.. all your organs so just work hard at keeping it in a safe level




This is how I got my diabetes the same way you did from Cancer and Chemo treatments. I can say the neuropthy I have in my feet from chemo has spread up to my knees and I have a hard time wearing diabetic shoes. I am also in a power wheelchair because I didn't listen from the start. I also know because of this there will come a day I will need hand controls. I now have it under control.
Hey Steve, sorry about this news. I know more and more people with it these days. It's not to be toyed with though. My buddy and I were out walking the dogs one night and he was slurring his words. I told him to stop ******* around and he said he was'nt.
Turns out he was not taking care of it and was having mini strokes. We all made him go and get checked out. Now he is on the needle which he wips out and shoots himself in the stomach from time to time for shock value. Take care of yourself. Hope to see you for many years to come!
Sorry to hear the news.
My good friend Robert was about 280 lbs.,After seeing his Grandmother get her legs amputated due to diabetes,he went on a diet.Robert got down to 205lbs. and tried to get his brothers to do it as well.
Two years later,Robert(still at 205lbs) started losing his vision,so he went to the doctor and they diagnosed him with diabetes.His wife took control of his diet and no more Pepsi (12 pack a day).Robert followed the doctor instructions,and continued exercising and proper diet.
Robert got down to 185 lbs. and six month later,he no longer had to take the pills.
During this ordeal,his brothers shed the weight and they are still exercising and they are all still health.
This all happened 10 years ago,Robert is still 185lbs and has not had diabetes since.
So listen to your Doctor
P.S. You might want to wait on getting new glasses,you may not need them.It took Robert at least 2 weeks to get his vision back fully.
Does this mean I have to bring "light" beer to Moparfest?
Oh, never mind, Scott already brings that :poke:

I have a buddy who was diagnosed when he was 9. He is doing very well, but still drinks too much. When we go hunting, I think He pretends to have low sugar, just so He can eat my O-Henry bars. You look like a tough bugger, so I'm sure you will make the best of it Steve.

Good thing I kept the G-string :toimonst: