Who's ever done this?



Too many projects
Jul 17, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver Island, Canada
I remember jumping my buddy's 91 Dodge Colt hatchback off so many things. We were rippin' down this street once, and it turned to a hill, then flat where there were a set of train tracks, then instantly a hill again so when you hit the flat you launched. We hit it goin about 70 mph, launched probably a good 20 feet out, 6 - 10 feet high. You should have seen the people driving the other way's expressions.
Anyways just some videos I found of people jumping their cars. 8)





And finally.. look at the high chair!! Hahaha..

we used to take my buddy's civic out and BTS out of it. We screwed some bullhorns on the front ant took it to the old mine site. Those dudes in their big 4x4 had a hard time getting in there and were shocked to see us there. if it got stuck we could just pick it up and move it; we flipped it more than once... good times.
Put a little concrete in the back and the cars would land level compared to nose dives. That's what they did in Dukes of Harzzard anyways. lol
Never jumped one, but my mom had a 78 Chevette me and my brother used to beat on all the time. At 50mph I could jig to the right a little, pull the e-brake, do a 360 and turn left at the traffic light. Right as I did it, I used to start screaming. I really scared the hell out of a lot of people doing that crap. :-D
Before I knew him a friend of mine had a Toyota Celica (about a 1974 IIRC) that he bought new & put 13" slotted mags with 50 series tires on it. There was a long downhill street where we lived. About 1/2 block from the bottom was big dip where another road crossed it & then there was a curve in the road. He used to tell me about how he would floor it down the hill & launch the car on the dip to scare his passengers. The idea was to go as far as he could & still land in time to make the curve & not end up in somebody's yard. He said he never bottomed it out but showed me all of the scrapes in the pavement where other cars had not quite made it.

My Barracuda had torsion bars from a 340 Demon on front & heavy duty leafs on the back with air shocks. One night we were riding in my car & he said that as stiff as my suspension was he thought it would launch & land pretty well. Of course I had to try it. My car probably flew at least 50 feet. It's kinda' hard to judge when you're flying though the air in a car. It was nothing like the ones in the videos here, but it was quite an experience. The frame didn't bottom out but my motor mounts were soft & there was just enough give for my oil pan to hit the ground when I landed. It caved in just enough to make the flat bottom of the pan slightly concave. After that whenever I got down to the add mark on the dipstick I'd start losing oil pressure at times. I think I cracked the pickup tube. I launched it there 3 or 4 more times, just to scare my friends & the girl I was dating. It was pretty funny to see them bracing against the door, the seat, the floor, whatever they could when they saw that I wasn't slowing down for the "bump" that they were screaming was in the road ahead of us. This was over 30 years ago. The city has since smoothed out that section of the road.
I just realized.. soooo cool.. last video, those guys in that chair have the car hooked up to drive from there! Notice no driver in the car? And notice the steering wheel and long rods that go from the seat through the roof into the car? Ahahaha.. where is 360scamp to see this??
Before I knew him a friend of mine had a Toyota Celica (about a 1974 IIRC) that he bought new & put 13" slotted mags with 50 series tires on it. There was a long downhill street where we lived. About 1/2 block from the bottom was big dip where another road crossed it & then there was a curve in the road. He used to tell me about how he would floor it down the hill & launch the car on the dip to scare his passengers. The idea was to go as far as he could & still land in time to make the curve & not end up in somebody's yard. He said he never bottomed it out but showed me all of the scrapes in the pavement where other cars had not quite made it.

My Barracuda had torsion bars from a 340 Demon on front & heavy duty leafs on the back with air shocks. One night we were riding in my car & he said that as stiff as my suspension was he thought it would launch & land pretty well. Of course I had to try it. My car probably flew at least 50 feet. It's kinda' hard to judge when you're flying though the air in a car. It was nothing like the ones in the videos here, but it was quite an experience. The frame didn't bottom out but my motor mounts were soft & there was just enough give for my oil pan to hit the ground when I landed. It caved in just enough to make the flat bottom of the pan slightly concave. After that whenever I got down to the add mark on the dipstick I'd start losing oil pressure at times. I think I cracked the pickup tube. I launched it there 3 or 4 more times, just to scare my friends & the girl I was dating. It was pretty funny to see them bracing against the door, the seat, the floor, whatever they could when they saw that I wasn't slowing down for the "bump" that they were screaming was in the road ahead of us. This was over 30 years ago. The city has since smoothed out that section of the road.

Those where the good old days wasn't it!

I miss doing crazy stuff like that.

I just realized.. soooo cool.. last video, those guys in that chair have the car hooked up to drive from there! Notice no driver in the car? And notice the steering wheel and long rods that go from the seat through the roof into the car? Ahahaha.. where is 360scamp to see this??

No I did not notice it... in my mind I thought someone was in the car driving it.. wow!
LOL I love it when the 10 year old pulls up in the car and asked whats falling from the headliner "rust and dead spiders" LOL

$250 77 Dodge Monaco 4 door, 318/904,ignition switch hanging from the dash, trim falling off and dents in the quarters (we thought it was fun to get a running start and head butt it as hard as we could then pop the dents out from the trunk), Tahuya,WA a crapload of beer and Jack and no one else for miles.
We got air and I'm talking Dukes of Hazzard air. All that was missing was a charger and some cop lights. I drove that car for a few more months and sold it to a D-derby guy for $300!
I jumped a 70 Sport Fury over a 20 ft high berm, and landed nose first so hard, that the car near bent in half. I have a pic I'll scan, and post.
I miss dirt jumping and doing dumb stuff on my BMX. Every Thursday we would do backflips into dumpsters behind the grocery store.


I sold all my custom built dirt jumpers and this is the only bike I still have It must only weight around 5 lbs...stupid knee surgery!

Ok have to add a Jumped car story. Had a 79 Toyota Corolla "lift back" (1st car). This took place in Spokane out in Hillyard. We used to haul *** down this dirt road that went behind a junk yard and we were moving way faster than normal must have been moving about 70 or so. Well where the road crossed another road it humped up real big from all the dirt and gravel. We probably only got about 5-6 feet of air, but the funny part was when we hit it ripped the exaust out from under the car. While airborn we heard the engine rev, and then after hitting the damn thing sounded like a Harley. Both of us damn near pissed our selfs. Of course we had to do it again immediatly.

Another time that was pretty funny....... I hydroplaned at about 50 MPH it grabbed the right side and launched us into a field and into a ditch! 4 people in the car! That crap was damn funny!
You seattle guys will probably know this one.

the intersection of 140th and 24th in Bellevue, comind down from Bridal trails area. The lane right at the intersection had a slight rise and a drop, abrupt enough that if you were in a truck with a stiff suspension you would chirp the rear tires going 30 or so.

I was coming down the hill at night in my 64 Chrysler, doing about 60, the light turns yellow, i nailed it, way too far away from the light to make it.

My lights illuminated the drop off, I well OH SH&(&T, and the guy besides me goes WHAT?

By the time i hit the rise i may have been doing 70. My car flies across the intersection. I remember looking down at the street straight ahead. Front end slams down, sparks all over, rear end slams down, more sparks.

I stop and turn around, there used to be a Texaco on the corner. pulled in. The kid working comes running out yelling do it again, do it again. He said I was 4 feet off the ground and was airborne through the intersection.

I went and looked and my tire marks were on the crosswalk on the other side. AH yes those were the days, the Chrysler took it in stride, the bottom of the bumper was scratched up and i think the bottom of the diff. scraped on something, but it didnt get hurt.
Ya I have seen Dust to Glory.
It is a good one

I go out to Glamis. I have been there when he has done that jump. It is over 100 ft and the kicker is lower than the landing.