Why all the hate for youtubers?



Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2017
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Many times I have seen people make derogatory comments about people,some members here,who do youtube.
I dont get it. Why all the hate? I figure most of you grew up running to the mailbox to get the latest issue of your favorite car magazines.
As a guy who failed at trying to get into freelance tech article writing,I see You tube is the evolution of that without the gate keeping, It isnt necessary to bring corporate sponsorship to the table. Just put out something interesting or helpful and some people will appreciate it.
My guess is some of these haters are just jealous.
You got me. People always have to run somebody down I guess.
I'm part because of the lack of "gatekeeping"

Any old boy can get on YouTube, post a video full of garbage science, profanity and what not and be an internet star

It's hard not to take a shot at those guys
Most don’t have a YouTube channel and the ones that do ….that take hard shots at people don’t have a video worth a damn anyway. Also a lack of balls to put one up and say something about the car there working on.
Hey I have a YouTube channel so does that mean I'm hated? If so I'll wear it like a badge of honor! Maybe I should start bashing the cranky old douche bags on here?
Just the ones that do stupid stuff:

Outside of that, youtube is great to learn tips and tricks
Thinking Mr. Tyson may be on to something.

Hey I have a YouTube channel so does that mean I'm hated? If so I'll wear it like a badge of honor! Maybe I should start bashing the cranky old douche bags on here?
What is it. Ill watch. And yes. Blast the **** out of the cranky old douche bags hating on youtubers.
My kid watches Unspeakable, just 3 25 year old men doing stupid 9 year old **** that doesnt hurt anyone. Im jealous because these guys are making hundreds of thousands a year playing in pools full of orbies or driving Soviet personell carriers through the streets of Houston. What's not to hate? They also treat their stuff like **** and I think that teaches the 6-12 year olds who watch them that stuff is throw away, yeah if you got 14 million views! Now for the car guys who preach their way or the highway, I've taken the highway more than once. Its all good but don't tell us your opinion is the only way to do something.
I have done a series of videos about my Colt just to document all the build details.
Not looking to be famous, just doing my thing.
What I don’t like about tubers is when they take forever to explain how to do something, they feel the need to explain about the entire history of everything leading up to the way on how to do whatever it is they are trying to explain, just cut to the chase and tell me how it’s done
What I don’t like about tubers is when they take forever to explain how to do something, they feel the need to explain about the entire history of everything leading up to the way on how to do whatever it is they are trying to explain, just cut to the chase and tell me how it’s done
I suppose it depends on who their perceived audience is. I explain things to my kid with a lot more background and detail than I did the men that worked for me when I was running shops. But I don't really know.
I dont think its really different than here or on any social media. There are critics for everything. And you can post just about anything, good bad or otherwise.
I've posted a few Youtube videos, basically to look for help in diagnosing stuff. Its handy as heck for posting here.
Not sure why, but I always get "suggestions " for Japanese breastfeeding?? :thumbsup:
I dont think its really different than here or on any social media. There are critics for everything. And you can post just about anything, good bad or otherwise.
I've posted a few Youtube videos, basically to look for help in diagnosing stuff. Its handy as heck for posting here.
Not sure why, but I always get "suggestions " for Japanese breastfeeding?? :thumbsup:
hmm, Are those adds topless? LOl
youtube ....
  • free to watch
  • free to subscribe
  • you can't complain about the price !! :p
  • don't watch what you don't like (why would u ???)
  • don't watch what angers you .... (why would u ???)
  • content creators have just as much of a right to opinion as YOU, the viewer
  • youtubers run their channel... THEIR channel. like building a car, it is YOUR car so build it YOUR way!
youtube ....
  • free to watch
  • free to subscribe
  • you can't complain about the price !! :p
  • don't watch what you don't like (why would u ???)
  • don't watch what angers you .... (why would u ???)
  • content creators have just as much of a right to opinion as YOU, the viewer
  • youtubers run their channel... THEIR channel. like building a car, it is YOUR car so build it YOUR way!
Ha , Im watching your newest video now
Totally unacceptable work done to that head.
The Finished result is insane.
I'm older and I love YT for help on auto projects or just music and music instruction. I'm not a fan of the copy cats ('I bought the cheapest Ferrari..') but like everything we are bombarded with these days I just pass them by.
Everyone has their own build philosophy, and some think others should do it their way and no other way, everyone else's way is wrong and love to tell people endlessly so.