Why I live in the SOUTH

Funny how where you live gives you a different perspective on things. Here -22 is just another day. After -30 it gets annoying.
Funny how where you live gives you a different perspective on things. Here -22 is just another day. After -30 it gets annoying.

Opposite hemishere.
Why I live in the NORTH

+22 is a chilly day
+30 is nice

and I'm talking Celcius!!!:-D
I always read your jokes and posts, they make me smile and laugh.

On another note, I was traveling through Kansas in February 1996 on whats called the yellow brick road southeast of Wichita and the snow was coming down horizontally, the wind chill factor was -69 and I stopped along side a cop who was slowing down traffic and asked him where a motel was. He told me and noticed I had 3 dogs with me and said when you go into to motel don't shut your vehicle off while the dogs are in it and he threw his coffee from the cup he was holding in the air and it turned to ice before it hit the ground. I'm from NY and never seen it that cold and I lived in Toronto as well
Give it six months, let see you say that

Why ????......been livin here all my 43 years.......right now, it's 6pm, 80*F and 82% Humidity.......it ain't raining atm either.....ya get used to it.
Sure it gets cold in the north/northeast thats life,but its absolutely beautiful in the spring,summer and fall..thought it was funny when the people in Atlanta were crying about the snow they had 2 weeks ago.."pussies"...
I remember reading Jack London books when I was a kid. It's hard for a southern boy to wrap his mind around it being so cold that spit will freeze before it hits the ground. Sorry guys, but I want no part of that.
Theres no place like home. Or so they say. From the way you here people talk about where they live it must be true.
It got down to 23 F a couple weeks ago here in Sacramento and I didn't even want to step foot outside. That'll probably be the coldest night of the year.

Call me a pansy but I dare you to work outside with me in mid July when it's 110* :)
Yesterday with windchill it was -43 at 6a.m. Our school div. shuts down at -45. I like the cold better than the heat you can always put on clothing you can only take so much off.
I remember reading Jack London books when I was a kid. It's hard for a southern boy to wrap his mind around it being so cold that spit will freeze before it hits the ground. Sorry guys, but I want no part of that.
I remember thinking the same thing. I have at least one copy of every book Jack London wrote. The Call of the Wild is by far my favorite.
I remember thinking the same thing. I have at least one copy of every book Jack London wrote. The Call of the Wild is by far my favorite.

The two that really stick in my mind are To Build a Fire (I think it's a short story), and another one who's title escapes me, but he was on a ship that got stuck in ice and had to walk out, came across a bird nest and popped the chicks in his mouth still alive because he was so hungry. In To Build a Fire he walked from one town in the Klondike to another and used spit to gage the temp. I think it was something like -30 spit cracked when it hit the ground, and -40 it crackled in the air? Freakin' nuts.

BUt, yeah, my first dogs name was Buck because of that book.
Had to fight a house fire in Ohio during the blizzard of 1978.

Imagine a 2-1/2 inch fire hose basically doing the same thing but on a much grander scale. When the ice cyrstals hit the fire they turn to steam and really snuff the fire. Of course, everything then freezes.
It got down to 23 F a couple weeks ago here in Sacramento and I didn't even want to step foot outside. That'll probably be the coldest night of the year.

Call me a pansy but I dare you to work outside with me in mid July when it's 110* :)

sometimes it gets really cold around here and miserable but that was yellowknife they were showing, thats as far north as you can get in canadian territory. to them 50 F would be a heat wave. our summers consist of 60-110° F weather which your july and august would be quite comparable to ours except the humidity, now lets see you do an oil change at -13° F with a wind chill somewhere around -25° F with the atlantic ocean blowing a northwest wind at you :toothy10:
sometimes it gets really cold around here and miserable but that was yellowknife they were showing, thats as far north as you can get in canadian territory. to them 50 F would be a heat wave. our summers consist of 60-110° F weather which your july and august would be quite comparable to ours except the humidity, now lets see you do an oil change at -13° F with a wind chill somewhere around -25° F with the atlantic ocean blowing a northwest wind at you :toothy10:
no thanks. I'll pass
For the last week we have been having 75-80 degree weather, yea baby!!! but remember last month it rained fot 8 days straight and i was crying like a baby

Nothing like So Cal. weather

For the last week we have been having 75-80 degree weather, yea baby!!! but remember last month it rained fot 8 days straight and i was crying like a baby

Nothing like So Cal. weather


I'd rather have rain than snow! At least you don't have to to shovel rain.:toothy2:
Local news just sd we stand to get snow and ice again tomorrow here. We normally see that stuff once every few years. This will be the third time since Christmas. ENOUGH ALREADY.