why is it so difficult to ship things to our neighbors?

This isnt fair! the parts dont even have to cross any oceans, what is the difference in shipping to buffaloe ny and that town in canada on the otherside of niagra falls < 10 miles separate them.

On behalf of Canadians, thank you for at least trying. One opportunity missed here was to have the parts shipped to the border and picked up and walked across the border by the Canadian buyer. There are all sorts of forwarding companies set up on the American side all along the border.

Some one just needs to get out there and erase that line on the map.

Been saying that for years. Problem here is us Canadians who tend to get our political panties in a knot thinking we will lose our identity. That ought to get this thrown into news and politics!
...............If ur antique/classic is registered u should have no problem proving thats what there for..............kim.............
Aggravations bought to you by "Homeland Insecurity"

Worthless morons they are. How someone can slip into their headquarters and **** all over everything shows you how effective they are. Someone over here recently shot up a bunch of their trucks they supposedly use to protect the border crossing. Lol complete worthless retards.
On behalf of Canadians, thank you for at least trying. One opportunity missed here was to have the parts shipped to the border and picked up and walked across the border by the Canadian buyer. There are all sorts of forwarding companies set up on the American side all along the border.

Been saying that for years. Problem here is us Canadians who tend to get our political panties in a knot thinking we will lose our identity. That ought to get this thrown into news and politics!
great idea
if it is breakable ,put every piece of padding you can and insure the hell out of it,it's cheap for the insurance but add's to their fat greedy pockets
...............If ur antique/classic is registered u should have no problem proving thats what there for..............kim.............

Antique car parts are duty free all the time yes,but you still have to pay TAX.

I got the vc's Leanna sent today. They are beautiful!

I think I MAY have heard angels singing when I opened the box.:rock:

It was certainly a trancendental moment for me!!

Yes I paid tax:angry6:,but dont we all?

The gentleman at the border Canadian was kind enough to give me a form to fill out. I am going to seek partial tax moneys back on the seat strokerscamp sent as it was taxed much higher than actual worth.

I was also taxed on the new value of a box of pistons inspite of paying far less and having a reciept to prove it. I will also seek these moneys. All told I may be owed more than $50,which makes a big difference to me!

I simply fill out the form,explain my case and provide evidence.

Wish me luck there...#-o
Paul, I'm happy to learn they arrived and you like what you see!

As far as the singing angels go, I didn't put any in there when I packed the box so that's a new one on me. Maybe the border guys stuffed them in there. Or perhaps you need to change your meds??? lol :-D

Anyway, glad you like 'em.