
These are things i have noticed years before 9/11.. i havent travelled too much since then, for obvious reasons. But dont oppinionate that Canada hasnt had its losses.
And like the States there are so many I cant even name them! lol...

And thanks LoneYankee..
ivabiggn said:
Hi Cerwin, your question is a interesting one. Why would the people of a "politically correct" country that taxes us heavily for unpopular wars, Does not want us to mention our God and grants more rights to illegal aliens than to it's citizens. Why would anyone actually consider flying the flag of that country?
Before 9/11, I think you may have found fewer flags flying and less everyday patriotism. The flag is only a symbol, but it is flown to remember all of the heros that died for the right to fly it. It flies in remberence of the thousands that were murdered on 9/11, whose only crime was to go to work that morning. It flies in the face of a godless enemy that believed that it could be brought down with one "sucker punch".
Perhaps the reason that you do not see this in Canada, is that Canada has NOT YET had it's 9/11.
And I would hope this would never happen to any country.
And this eagle will do all I can to see it coming.
{Yet}!!!! What is that all about.
Are you waiting for such a tragedy
Or is it a pore use of words?
Hope I did miss under stand your opinion
and confuse anyone on the word YET!!!
The problem we have as Canadians is that we have no national identity. It's been worn away from decades of Liberal rule that dictated that peoples immigrating from other countries have more rights than those already here. Sure it's great for bragging rights on the world stage but stabbing the body's heart does nothing to protect the extremities. RCMP uniforms incorporating turbins? Sure! Muslim children carrying ceremonial daggers to elementary school? What's the harm? Open our borders to known terrorists to wage war on our closest ally? Only in Canada!

I love this country but it's in serious need of some good old fashioned American-style patriotism.
I agree with the statement that "IF YOU HAVE TO ASK YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND" And as far as your comment that Canadian men are better lovers than American men! I read just the opposite! So I guess it depends on which publication you read Canadian or American! :salute: I do have to say that Canada does have some BEAUTIFUL LADIES! I hope to be able to take a vacation into Canada one of these days.Very Beautiful Country up there,here that you all have some EXCELLENT BREW also and I want a LARGE MOOSE STEAK to see how it compares to TEXAS PRIME BEEF!!


1969340dart said:
I agree with the statement that "IF YOU HAVE TO ASK YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND" And as far as your comment that Canadian men are better lovers than American men! I read just the opposite! So I guess it depends on which publication you read Canadian or American! :salute: I do have to say that Canada does have some BEAUTIFUL LADIES! I hope to be able to take a vacation into Canada one of these days.Very Beautiful Country up there,here that you all have some EXCELLENT BREW also and I want a LARGE MOOSE STEAK to see how it compares to TEXAS PRIME BEEF!!


Espoo,Finland too!! :blob:
I am going to post my original response to Cerwin in a somewhat edited form, as I must have taken his question the wrong way. Here you you go! :thumbup:

"I know you don't know my history, but my Dad was originally from Northern Wisconsin (Pretty much just across Lake Superior from Canada) and we used to spend quite a bit of time up there and I had quite a few Canadian friends, drank Canadian beer and whiskey and listened to Canadian bands. I don't know if in your travels you have spent much, or any time in that part of our fair country, but if you did you would know that many businesses and privately owned homes display both the US and Canadian flags. Brinkaplan could probably attest to this as well.

As I write this, I'm listening to the Canadian band, Rush, who you may be familiar with even at your young age. A line to one of their lyrics states "You can't have something for nothing, you can't have freedom for free!" Which brings me to my next point. You may have been traveling during Independence Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, or soon after the WTC Disaster. All times when most US Citizens proudly display our colors in support of those who have sacrificed so much for not only our freedom, but the freedom of others as well, including the French, Chinese, and English. I remember as child that we had many WWII veterans on our street who would raise and lower the flag every day in rememberance of those who did not make it back. The flag means so much more to them than just some sort of blind nationalism, as it does to me as well.

My Dad a Marine, fought in WWII, made three beach heads, and served as an Honor Guard in China, survived to have ten children, of which I'm the last. I watched him get buried in God's green earth, with a 21 gun salute reverberating through the graveyard, in a coffin covered by the flag, which was then presented to my mom by my nephew who was also serving in the Marine Corps.

Those Canadians who fought against Hitler and Hirosito I'm sure are proud as well, and those may be the flags that you see raised in your own country."

Make sense? :)
oh i agree, but now that demon dave has spoken his peace I have a new feeling and understanding as to why candians dont fly as many flags as you proud americans do!

Canadians have to listen to all these politics and native changes to our ways that its left a discuss and sour feeling on our land and beliefs. I know of ever situation he has mentioned. A yound muslim man wanted to be a RCMP officer but the rules clearly state that he has to be fully wearing the uniform head to toe. hat to boot. but because of him we changed the RULES that had been in place for the last 200 yrs.
Now he has changed the image of our ROYAL MOUNTED POLICE a symbol arond the world of canada.
I guess i could have asked why dont we fl as many flags as the boys down staires, but now i know. i just needed to be reminded!
And Ramcharger.. haha I Hate rush.. they are annoying! just like RHCP or GNR
OK Cerwin, now you got a start a post asking why people like Rush! :tongue9: Better yet, start a poll!
I think that is BULLSHIT changing the rules for a Muslim so he can wear a turbine! Why can't he just change his rules and wear the RMP hat! It looks a lot better than a turbine! It seems OUR Countries always make change for the other people! Like at CHRISTMAS time,all the people that frown on the word CHRISTMAS! I say BULLSHIT! If you don't want to use the word then by all means do not use it! but don't tell me I am not able to use the word! I have used it from the time I could talk and knew what it was and that has been well over 50 years! Why is it I have to change just because you don't celebrate the Christmas Holiday! Sometimes I wish I could just move to the Mountains and hide out instead of dealing with all the asswipes that always want us to CHANGE our ways!Just like ILLEGAL ALIENS! I have no problem with people from other COUNTRIES wantig to come to AMERICA for a better way of life! But do it "LEGALLY" That is what makes a great Country Great is the LEGAL LAWS! You start letting people BREAK those laws then it will be something else,then another law,another and so on! "LEGALLY" "LEGALLY" "LEGALLY" PEOPLE! "ILLEGAL MEANS IT IS AGAINST THE LAW TO DO IT"! You try to get into a lot of Countries ILLEGALLY and you are in DEEP ****!! But here in AMERICA we will put you on welfare,pay all your medical needs,you probably will not have to pay any taxes! Damn no wonder they all want to get here as fast as they can! OK Sorry for the rant! I will stop now!
but your right.. which is sad.. i would have said the same thing but what can you do?
some flee because they have no choice and some flee because they aer abusing the system? how do you weed them out? You cant!

My theory is all the boys and girls over seas should just plug all the people with guns. Women and all, If they dont shoot now they are bound to shoot later, But how do you weed out the ones who are defending themselves? You cant. The world in my mind is ending! slowly but sooner or later the war will either take a turn for the worst and just end by the hands of some terrorist with the right tools! OR this war will last an eternity and will make its way onto the north american soil!.. Sadly its indefinet!
Hey Flyboy.Brasil has already paid Every fuc#*ng cent to your governament in 2004.The money is probably inside Bush's ***!!!!!!Before you write this things you need to imform yourself!The U.S president came this week to Brasil to ask some help with the Ethanol production..OK!!!!!!The Brasilian Governament Suck's too..But at least we are not Starting War's!!!!!!!!!!!!Peace.That's what we need.
Brazil,Finland and all the other countries on this thread!!!
Glad you all are here and sharing your thoughts.
And just think!!. It was a Mopar that brought us together.
Thank's for the education.