Wifes Christmas present



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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She has been wanting a sewing machine. She was reading the paper the other day and found an ad about free lessons if you purchase a machine. Next trip to town I took her into the store and bought her the machine she wanted. Had to go to pt yesterday, so she went for her first lesson. So far she did not spear herself or cause the machine to catch fire, so I guess she is doing ok. I am hoping that she enjoys sewing, as she really does need a hobby or two. She went for a knitting lesson, but never followed up on it so it did not go to well......
Thats cool ink. I do the sewing in the house, the mandatory home-ec has paid off for me. My mother in law bought our daughter a sewing machine about 5 years ago. I am the only one to use it. LOL
Remind me when I see you to give her another machine which judging by the look of it does a lot of things and is fairly new
You are a good man. We are older now but my wife used to sew a lot when our boys were young. I wish that we lived closer or even in the same country as I would have given you a good sewing machine. My wife has one and we kept the one my mother had. Both are Singers and are part of their own table. The top opens to one side and the machine swings out of the base and locks in place. Have a great Christmas!
If I bought my wife a sewing machine, they would have to identify me by dental records! LOL

But I agree with you about the hobby. I work in the garage and play guitar. My wife wants a hobby but she says nothing intertests her enough.
Woooo Hoooooo

When she gets good she can redo your car seats............good thinking.
Megajolt............you stole my line.
My GF sews, knits, crochets, make jewlery, weaves baskets, bakes and other various sundry things. Good for them to stay occupied otherwise you become their only hobby. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing but it can be.
I do the sewing in the house,

Ditto. I have always enjoyed making things rather than buying, whether it means welding, carving framing or even sewing. My wife is not really the "home-maker" type, everything she knows about running a home, she has learned from me (and my mother - kicking and screaming), her mother had to raise 5 kids alone, so there wasn't a lot of "June Cleaver" influence there. She tries hard and I try hard to take up the slack. The most enjoyable things are the things you do together, so you may try getting her to give you a few tips after a few classes. That might give her a reason to stick with it.
I have already been told if I touch the scissors she bought yesterday I WILL be stabbed with them.....
Thats cool Ink. Good skill to have. Navy trained me how to sew. I was a parachute rigger and that was part of the job. It has served me well over the years.
She is looking forward to her lesson tomorrow. She is down the street showing off her work, and trying to convince her to get a machine and tag along with her. Interesting to hear some of the comments. Any of you guys make stuff, or just repair rips and stuff? 4flats, thanks for the suggestion. She often does need a bit of a push to keep her interested in things. She likes to read. Can read 4 or 5 books at once. I can not even make it thru a magazine without putting it down.
I can sew enough to fix a button that fell off but that's about it. I'd like to learn leather work, like making knife sheaths and stuff like that.
I can sew enough to fix a button that fell off but that's about it. I'd like to learn leather work, like making knife sheaths and stuff like that.
Well Joe, you are one up on me, button falls off it is off for good. If you ever learn leather work, let me know. Got a bunch of knives I could use sheaths for....
That's awesome Doug! Glad to hear Ernie likes her present and seems to be inclined to learn more. We ALL need hobbies.
Ink, yeah, start with Halloween costumes. You only have to wear them once, and if they are not exactly right, you can fix them with duct tape. I started a few (well, maybe 12) years ago (grim reaper, samuri, then pirate). The Pirate costume got to be so bad a$$ that I was taking the attention away from my kids, so I stopped dressing up with them about 3 years ago. My kids always wanted to buy a costume, untill I made one for the youngest that made the "store-bought" ones look like the crap they are, now I get orders from my kids around August. Gun socks are an easy first project. I don't do seat covers and things like that because you really need a heavier machine than what we have.
There's a girl that used to do all kinds of things. Her name was Mary Ann Barnes, queen of all the acrobats, she could do tricks that would make a person ****. She could flip green peas with her fundamental organ, do a somersault in the air, catch them on her tit. She's a mean motherf**cker, about twice as mean as me, she's got hair on her *** like branches on a tree. She can fist fight, f**k, fly a kite, drive a truck. She's the kind of girl that's going to marry me.
There's a girl that used to do all kinds of things. Her name was Mary Ann Barnes, queen of all the acrobats, she could do tricks that would make a person ****. She could flip green peas with her fundamental organ, do a somersault in the air, catch them on her tit. She's a mean motherf**cker, about twice as mean as me, she's got hair on her *** like branches on a tree. She can fist fight, f**k, fly a kite, drive a truck. She's the kind of girl that's going to marry me.

Maybe I missed something but what's this got to do with Doug's wife's new sewing machine Jay???

Unless that butt hair is so plentiful that she could thread it on a bobbin and whip up some seat covers for you .........
There's a girl that used to do all kinds of things. Her name was Mary Ann Barnes, queen of all the acrobats, she could do tricks that would make a person ****. She could flip green peas with her fundamental organ, do a somersault in the air, catch them on her tit. She's a mean motherf**cker, about twice as mean as me, she's got hair on her *** like branches on a tree. She can fist fight, f**k, fly a kite, drive a truck. She's the kind of girl that's going to marry me.
Ummmmm.....that is more info than I needed to know.....
I just noticed a few replys of people that had different things they could do or liked to do and it reminded me of that little rhyme. Just a little humor.