Windows 8.1 discussion



Life is an experiment
Mar 13, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Oklahoma
I just looked at a new computer with Windows 8.1 and am curious of what others think about it?

Pros and Cons....

I know a lot of people hate Windows 8 so how does 8.1 compare if you have used both?
People hate change so be prepared for some bad mouthing. What I can tell you it's a hell of a lot better than vista and 7!
I'm interested in this also & thanks for posting!!

When my computer nose dived a few months ago, my local computer guy installed Windows 7 because he didn't like 8

I was still using XP, so I guess I'm a bit behind LOL :dontknow:
I don't even like 7 much. Xp worked just fine. I think MS should be forced to keep security updates for Xp and newer. I use Linux for day to day "stuff"
Never used "8", but I like my "7". I was hesitant leaving XP, but what a difference the upgrade made once I got used to it.

I'm hesitant again, but at some point i'll have no choice but to move on. I'm not a techy guy, he!!, I've never owned more then a cheap "Moto" pay as you go
I don't even like 7 much. Xp worked just fine. I think MS should be forced to keep security updates for Xp and newer. I use Linux for day to day "stuff"

got one computer running window 7 still ..actually a dual boot of computers including this laptop on Linux....

had to fix a friend windows 7 computer this weekend that was loaded with virus and malware...
I'm using 8.1 right now. It was written for touchscreen computers and it is a big step from Win 7. I really don't think it's ready for prime time and have downloaded Linux Mint and have been learning the ins and outs of that. My opinion, get's free!!!
Never used "8", but I like my "7". I was hesitant leaving XP, but what a difference the upgrade made once I got used to it.

I'm hesitant again, but at some point i'll have no choice but to move on. I'm not a techy guy, he!!, I've never owned more then a cheap "Moto" pay as you go

you're better off keeping that way. My parents bought 8 and its just so unpleasantly different from previous versions. The home screen makes me think that they are work as hard as possible to idiot proof the software.(Apparently no one told them that where there is an idiot, there is a way to screw it up)

I'm sure 8.1 is....a massive headache.
you're better off keeping that way. My parents bought 8 and its just so unpleasantly different from previous versions. The home screen makes me think that they are work as hard as possible to idiot proof the software.(Apparently no one told them that where there is an idiot, there is a way to screw it up)

I'm sure 8.1 is....a massive headache.

If you make something that is idiot proof, God will make new and improved idiots.
I think it's a pia. We've had it on our lap top for almost a year and I still can't operate it right. Windows 7 is by far easier for those that aren't as tech savvy as they'd like to be
lets put it this way... i would rather use windows ME than windows 8... 8 sucks that bad...
I installed the program below with my Windows 8

it makes it easier to navigate if you don't have a touch screen

windows 8 works great if you get it set up right. had to have it done at the store where we bought the new p.c. was way over my head. a little learning experiance is to be expected w/ any change, but it works fantastic w/ thiis p.c.
now if at&t would work right w/o dropping out all the time!!!!!!bob
lets put it this way... i would rather use windows ME than windows 8... 8 sucks that bad...

That's pretty bad.

65 repairs computers... We have Win7. We have worked with 8 in the past. Can't say I've even seen 8.1 yet. I know that before long we won't have much choice but to upgrade. Support for the older operating systems is disappearing.
I have a bad habit of annoying people at the local Best Buy. If I like a computer I stand there and play with every feature I can find! Hopefully by the time we do our upgrade I'll find the exact system. If your not sure after chatting on here, go play with the systems. From personal experience the sales staff in the computer area are more knowledgable than the repair crew up front. (Just my 2¢).
And there are ways to switch the home screen to the regular desktop we have all gotten used to.
I have windows 8 and it is very cumbersome. If you need to print any documents you need to press ctl+P just to print. The Icons suck. the navigation to get to any programs on the hard drive is very involved.
Windows 7 is mostly fine, but 8 is horrible! I downloaded 8.1, but haven't had a chance to even look at the differences yet.

If you like to play instead of work with computers, and if flash and fluff is okay, go to 8, but if not, most previous versions are much better.
There was a good clue above for you guys that have win 8, and that was the post above about Classic Shell.
It puts all the menu's and navigation through places and programs back like the older win versions.
that's pretty bad. 65 repairs computers... We have win7. We have worked with 8 in the past. Can't say i've even seen 8.1 yet. I know that before long we won't have much choice but to upgrade. Support for the older operating systems is disappearing. I have a bad habit of annoying people at the local best buy. If i like a computer i stand there and play with every feature i can find! Hopefully by the time we do our upgrade i'll find the exact system. If your not sure after chatting on here, go play with the systems. From personal experience the sales staff in the computer area are more knowledgable than the repair crew up front. (just my 2¢). and there are ways to switch the home screen to the regular desktop we have all gotten used to.
There was a good clue above for you guys that have win 8, and that was the post above about Classic Shell.
It puts all the menu's and navigation through places and programs back like the older win versions.

them or you can use Start8 which is who i used, sets it back to a standard windows 7 start page/menu.

You can download the Classic Shell program from my website at

It gives the windows 7 style menu's with it's basic installation settings, and can also be customized the way you want.
It puts the start button and menus back like most are used to, and your computer will open at the desktop instead of at the apps screen too.

It's easy to do.
You can just click run program when it asks if you want to save it, or run it.
I don't know much about computers. Mine got bogged down with who knows what. No apparrent viruses. I think just a lot of accumulated garbage in the registry (?). So I put Linux on - instant speed!

I just never got used to the interface so decided to try Win 8. So far it has been stable for several months. No sign of slowing in about a year. It has some anti-virus built in. Not sure if that's helping - maybe? Of course I run another anti-virus but every windows system I've ever had slowed down anyway.

The interface is a mild annoyance. It's clearly geared for a touch screen. Seems weird to me. Why a touch screen on a desktop? I think I'll use the fix described above.

If this version suffers from the same slow down I'm going over to Mac. From what I hear they don't slow down and no viruses.
When I bought my new lap top it had windows 8. I was skeptical but I really like it, I do have a touch screen laptop.
There is a video on you tube somewhere where a mother is set in front of a windows 8 computer and told to do various tasks, she fails. Simple things like shutting off the computer is now a hidden feat. I loved xp but can admit, with a bit of seat time 7 blows it out the water. Sharing among other computers on your network, networked printers, streaming etc are all pretty much out the box setups now. Boot time on 8 is considerably faster but other then that I'll stick with 7, much like I did with xp. Linux Mint and Ubuntu are on a few computers as well, really come a long ways over the years and used live cd or flash drives to fix a many windows PC.
I ended up buying a new laptop with the 8.1 and I will learn about it next week when the house is quiet.

I installed the program below with my Windows 8

it makes it easier to navigate if you don't have a touch screen

That sounds good.

There was a good clue above for you guys that have win 8, and that was the post above about Classic Shell.
It puts all the menu's and navigation through places and programs back like the older win versions.

Thanks for confirming the Classic Shell.