Windows xp no more security patches



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Jan 8, 2006
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I found out a few days ago that Microsoft will no longer be issuing any security updates for this operating system.
Can anyone recommend a new system for me :coffee2: yea I know :banghead:I may be one of very few that still uses it :eek:ops:
Any and all advice is appreciated :glasses7:
And what is your take on this :coffee2:
Windows 7 would an ok candidate for a newer operating system, if your computer isn't so ancient that it won't run it.

I'd avoid Windows Vista, it's a massive resource hog. And avoid Windows 8, that's a nightmare that would scare even Freddy Kruger.

I have Windows 7 on my Laptop and don't really have any complaints about it.

That being said, my Shop Computer, Shop Laptop and Personal Desktop all still run Windows XP. Actually, come to think of it, I've had the same Wallpaper/Desktop on the Desktop in my living room since 2006 or so and that desktop hasn't been rebooted since 2008. Sucks that they've ended support for it, because I don't plan on upgrading those 3 computers anytime soon.
If you haven't rebooted in 6 years why would you be sorry they stopped support?
You haven't updated in all those years so why start now? :)

If it were for me I would limit all old Windows-versions and their botnet-invested crap from the internet. That would safe the world a lot of energy now being wasted fighting automated spam and hack-attempts coming from botnets.
Windows 7 would an ok candidate for a newer operating system, if your computer isn't so ancient that it won't run it.

I'd avoid Windows Vista, it's a massive resource hog. And avoid Windows 8, that's a nightmare that would scare even Freddy Kruger.

I have Windows 7 on my Laptop and don't really have any complaints about it.

That being said, my Shop Computer, Shop Laptop and Personal Desktop all still run Windows XP. Actually, come to think of it, I've had the same Wallpaper/Desktop on the Desktop in my living room since 2006 or so and that desktop hasn't been rebooted since 2008. Sucks that they've ended support for it, because I don't plan on upgrading those 3 computers anytime soon.

Same here 74Duster :glasses7: I run Windows XP, but with what I am seeing I won't be protected and they are saying hackers are heading our way :violent1:
All of this was on the news last night, my computer was build by my brother 7 years ago out of spare parts, he is a Danka Teck/sales person and has allot on his plate right now (don't want to go threw that here ) so I am thinking a new computer or lap top :coffee2: . from what I understand a program is about $100.00 and I don't think my old computer is worthy of that kind of investment .. I tried using a lap top and did not like it, but looks like I may have to get use to one :sad1: Thank you :coffee2:
If you haven't rebooted in 6 years why would you be sorry they stopped support?
You haven't updated in all those years so why start now? :)

If it were for me I would limit all old Windows-versions and their botnet-invested crap from the internet. That would safe the world a lot of energy now being wasted fighting automated spam and hack-attempts coming from botnets.

Well I have and also added other protecting programs :glasses7:
I wounder if this is all a hocks to get everyone to update ?
You aren't alone .... I'm in the same boat. I like their position - tough luck bud, thanks for your past money but now you're on your own and your only recourse is to go buy a complete new computer - with our new software, so we can do this to you again in a few years... They should at least send users a $5 off coupon along with a pack of vasoline....
I've got one of my business computers running XP that that I use to run a $4500.00 design program that won't operate on any newer version of Windows, so I will be forced to upgrade both at some point fairly soon and that's gonna really hurt me in the shorts, as the design software company doesn't offer and low-cost upgrade option from the current version I am running, Gotta buy the whole package again, and it is something I NEED to have to open any of my older files.
If you haven't rebooted in 6 years why would you be sorry they stopped support?
You haven't updated in all those years so why start now? :)

If it were for me I would limit all old Windows-versions and their botnet-invested crap from the internet. That would safe the world a lot of energy now being wasted fighting automated spam and hack-attempts coming from botnets.

Just the Desktop (Home/Personal) hasn't been turned off/rebooted in years. The Business computers have been rebooted periodically and were kept updated. Some of the stuff in the shop requires software that won't work on newer Operating Systems (like the software for one of my Scan Tools). The same kind of situation that MobileCustoms mentioned too.

I forgot, I have a 4th computer running XP (XP Media Center Edition). An older Laptop (circa 2008) that I use as my Media/Home Theater center. It's wired into my home theater system.
80% of the US government computers are still windows XP, as are most ATM's and TONS of businesses.
I agree that not having future security updates is not the best, but then again Windows has always been the worst for protecting itself anyway, even with thier updates.
Even with all the updates surely you have noticed the people on here getting infected anyway, right?
I am constantly repairing infected windows 7 and 8 computers, so whats the big difference? (Not hardly a damn thing)
If you run Windows, you WILL get infected, as it is just a matter of time.

(kind of reminds me of the Y2k thing)
Big scare, and then nothing any different happened.

I tell my customers not to use XP for online banking or anything like that, but otherwise run it till it dies.

Decent antivirus software like Comodo Internet Security with firewall, and a temp file cleaner like Ccleaner will keep those XP computers running for your businesses a whole lot longer than the Microrippoff updates ever did for you.
Java is the biggest security threat to Windows so if you don't have to have it for your programs then remove it, and those XP work computers will be fine.

If they are not internet connected to do thier job, then it's even less of a concern that support is ended.
but otherwise run it till it dies.

Microshaf...err soft doesn't want to hear that. LOL

Up until about a year and a half ago, I had a computer that was still running Windows 98 SE, and another that was running Windows ME. :prayer: I'm sure Microsoft would have crapped a brick if they knew someone was still using those Operating Systems. :D

They were still kicking when they got retired. Granted they couldn't do much in comparison to a newer OS, but they still did everything I needed them to do.
Microshaf...err soft doesn't want to hear that. LOL

Up until about a year and a half ago, I had a computer that was still running Windows 98 SE, and another that was running Windows ME. :prayer: I'm sure Microsoft would have crapped a brick if they knew someone was still using those Operating Systems. :D

They were still kicking when they got retired. Granted they couldn't do much in comparison to a newer OS, but they still did everything I needed them to do.

Exactly my point.
Windows is Crap. Always has been. There security updates are Plagues of virus's anyway. I switched to Mac's across the board. I do however run Windows 7 on Parallels with a partition on my Mac HD. I do this for business reasons. I can't pull credit and a few other things without Internet Explorer " Another Virus Prone delima……

I have never ever had a reboot, virus problem or anything running Windows 7 on the MAC through Parallels. It never shuts off, never quits working and it don't get virus's and I have security shut off and no virus software installed at all on the Windows side. Windows runs 1000% Better on a Mac.
without Internet Explorer " Another Virus Prone delima……

There's your biggest problem...Internet Exploder. :prayer:

I switched to Google Chrome years ago to get away from Incompetent Explorer. There's plenty of alternatives out there you could use. Actually I don't think there's anything out there that doesn't support Chrome now.

Mac's are really nice, too pricey for me to cross that bridge though. I've had 2 Macs over the years, an older G3 Mac and a Power Book 170 and loved them. Especially considering that both of them were given to me for free.

Yes, I said Power Book 170... It had 4mb of ram, a 40mb hard drive and a Black & White Screen. Battery life was about 15 - 20 minutes. I wrote a large portion of a novel on that old 170, pretty sure it still works too. It just hasn't been booted up in probably 14 years.
I've said this before and will keep saying it For 99.99 percent of the crap I do everyday. ---------- Pick and learn to use one of the many FREE Linux distros out there. I used to use Ubuntu but I hate the "Unity" desktop, but I understand you can not get away from that. I've been using Linux Mint.

There are VERY VERY few things I need Windows for. Programming the Holley injection is one of those few things. I've gotten so used to "not worrying" about "not having" virusus that I forget what all the fuss is about. AND IT IS FREE.

Get on Wiki. Read up on the history of Unix, Xenix, and Linux. Mac / Apple is Linux underneath it all Microshit DAMN NEAR WAS LINUX (Xenix)

Most "problems" you encounter with Linux can easily be found with a short Google. Once you "get on" with Firefox, etc, it works just like Windows, anyhow.

The GREAT thing about Linux is this:

You can download most the popular distributions, and make up what is called a "live" CD/ DVD, and boot that up (you can make them on a USB stick, too) and try them out and see what they do that way, that's why they are called "live" so you can see how they look. Then, you can install them, if you want RIGHT FROM THERE

I "shrink" my Winhozed partition so I still have that for some jobs I might need it for, and put Linux on the rest. Hardly ever use the irritating thang.
Booted windows from my computers several years ago..and never looked back....Got one computer with a dual 7 and Mint 16....

as 67 dart says...I started with ubuntu too also until they went stupid with their Unity desktop. I switched to virus.....use Firefox or Google Chrome for web browing....Thunderbird from Mozilla for email.. Libre Office with do just about anything Microsoft Office will desktop does not look much different the windows,,,,

and IT IS ALL FREE....
There's your biggest problem...Internet Exploder. :prayer:

As I said I have absolutely NO Problems with my set up. Internet Explorer runs fine on a MAC through Parallels. No Virus, no nothing. It NEVER locks up, it NEVER shuts off, it runs its *** off. I have NO Virus protection installed, NO firewall, No Nothing. Security is Shut off. No issues at all. Been running it like that since 2010.

If you run that Crap on a Windows machine…….. That is when you need a prayer. Or as a matter of fact if you run a PC Based operating system running windows. You need much prayer and Fasting to get all the DEMONS out! That is no BS! Lol
Go with Windows 7, Windows 8 sucks.

You can still buy new versions of Windows 7 at local stores.
I've got one of my business computers running XP that that I use to run a $4500.00 design program that won't operate on any newer version of Windows, so I will be forced to upgrade both at some point fairly soon and that's gonna really hurt me in the shorts, as the design software company doesn't offer and low-cost upgrade option from the current version I am running, Gotta buy the whole package again, and it is something I NEED to have to open any of my older files.

Some Win 7 variants can run XP programs (or so they say).......
XP, for me, was like an old workplace romance. She was in my life for more than a decade, but as time went on we grew apart as I got together with the younger, more-attractive Win7 at work. However, recently XP has become the crazy ex-girlfriend. She shows up everywhere and at the worst times, causing all kinds of drama.

In all seriousness...Thanks to Microsoft for providing updates for XP for a LOT longer than they really should have. It kept us from needing to deploy Vista anywhere. Win7 is pretty spiffy if you need a Windows desktop and that's what we're (still) migrating people to at work...Win8 will get there, but it's going to take a while.
In all seriousness...Thanks to Microsoft for providing updates for XP for a LOT longer than they really should have. .

Sorry I disagree. I think they should be forced to CONTINUE security support. There is a HUGE amount of businesses, and I'm not just talking a few or small business and a large part of govt that still use XP

Now I'm not saying that MS should necessarily do this for nothing. Maybe there could be some sort of agreement not unlike Norton or anyone else charges

The fact of the matter is this............

Nothing MS has done, not W7 and most assuredly NOT Winhoared hateight, has done a thing that is vastly improved over XP that would cause me to spend hundreds of dollars to buy it.
I don't want to upgrade to the newer version of windows and will not run a mac system since my custom software takes a look at a mac and dies a huge death. (plus it too darn expensive to migrate to a mac machine AND mac os and software replacements) the one machine that I run some of my custom software on is not connected to the internet and it'll never be so that's no worry. one of the others is and it has a 10k cad package that will not run on anything higher than XP, that is unless I upgrade to their new version for even more money. linux distro's are nice but again they don't run my software packages that I paid for so that's out. I see no reason to worry on the non internet connected machines and I do have a win7 laptop for online banking and so forth. I don't use IE(any version) I do like (1)firefox or (2)chrome.
on the internet connected home server unit I'll just use a hot swap drive to boot from to go to the internet and when the special software is needed boot to the xp drive and make sure the internet is off.
Sorry I disagree. I think they should be forced to CONTINUE security support. There is a HUGE amount of businesses, and I'm not just talking a few or small business and a large part of govt that still use XP

Disagree all you want; they've still supported XP longer than Apple or any of the Linux distributions support any given version of their OS. You're right that they haven't really done much "worthwhile" since XP...But that doesn't really matter. They write operating systems; obligating them to supply updates when they don't see any value in it would be a huge overstep by any sort of authority. Twelve years is well beyond "reasonable" for support.
Win 8 can be made to look and run almost exactly like Win7 for the average person.
I do it all the time for my customers.

AND Microsoft does still offer support for XP.
If I remember correctly, it was somewhere in the neighborhood of a million a year for up to 250 systems but for corporate customers only.

Figures don't it?

Here's a quote about it,but they don't mention price.

"Microsoft ends official support for Windows XP. That means no more security updates and no more customer service calls. A paid option is available to organizations (think: governments, corporations, etc.) that offers "critical" patches and support, but even Microsoft suggests upgrading to a newer version of Windows instead of footing the bill."
Reading over this sure has helped a bunch, I learned a bunch and will have my wife read over it and make any changes I need, A lot of good advice here :glasses7: and super good tech help I can use :cheers:
Thank you one and all :cheers::cheers:, sounds like all the info I seen on tv was just something to spook folks into going with a new system, XP has been good so far for me, but it's always good to learn more :glasses7:

Just a note for myself, Smart Bleed Test.... I seen it on tech Bites this morning, it will let me know what sites are secure or some thing like that..:-k