Winter still with us



Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2007
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Can't wait for spring!!


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Yesterday was nice here as I said 24 hours ago, but today burrrrr so a few wobbly popssss tonight could make me forget the cold.
LOL I can't afford that gas. I use good old Arab heating oil.:bootysha:

Oil dont get me started on that one,ok you just did.10 years ago oil was 44 cents here now like 4 times the price just spent 726 dollars for 3/4 of a tank of OIL,now broke:mumum:
MAN, who did you guys piss off? It's been in the upper 60's and lower 70's here in so. Missouri.
Small Block

Well Small Block I wouldn't get to sassy, I have it on good authority that this cold SOB's headed for Missouri country and it's picking up "TONS" of moisture before getting there, so there ya "HOSER".:mrgreen:
Oil dont get me started on that one,ok you just did.10 years ago oil was 44 cents here now like 4 times the price just spent 726 dollars for 3/4 of a tank of OIL,now broke:mumum:

My nat. gas heating bill for the year on a 1600 sq/ft house after tax is about $800. Last month, and it was a cold SOB, was $110. Natural gas prices have been the lowest they been for years and are going to stay that way cuss there's an excess on the market and will be for the next 10 yrs. or more. Can you say "U.S. Shale Gas".
.............Thats good old Ontario mentality............thats y our country is so in debt,........cause the west is trying to float everthing east of Manitoba......i say cut them

Yea I agree, leave it in the ground. How did good old Peter Louheed say it when he was in a pissing contest with that SOB airhead Trudeau, Let those eastern Bast@@@s freeze in the dark. God I wish we still had him running things. Nobody screwed with Peter especially oil company execs and anyone from Quebec.:mrgreen::pirate:
.............Thats good old Ontario mentality............thats y our country is so in debt,........cause the west is trying to float everthing east of Manitoba......i say cut them

LMAO My mom is from Saskatchewan, and my dad was from the maritimes. They came together in Ontario, and look at the mess they left!!!