wiper repair and coupler fix



Active Member
Nov 10, 2012
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Washington DC
my wipers on my 73 swinger are shot. The mechanic said its a piece that belongs at the end of this wiper arm, a coupling. Do any1 know where i can get this coupling?


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i replaced them after buying a couple packs of the help wiper bushings... even after that they broke... im just going to swap over to my mechanical 68 wipers and then i dont have to worry...
If the pivot posts are bound up from wear and rust, new bushing will be only a temporary fix. Here's how the story goes...
Original bushings fail after 30 years or more so those are replaced with the assumption that all is good for another 30+ years. When the new bushings fail prematurely, poor quality bushings is the assumption.
For many years I felt that placing the noisy wiper mechanism inside the cabin was the worst mistake in Chryslers engineering. That's because I had never experienced a brand new example. After completely restoring the wiper mechanism I found that they can operate smooth and quietly, even on dry glass.
Bottom line... replace the bushings and cross your fingers. Maybe it wont rain a lot :)
Why are you paying some one to fix this?

X2 if so. Super easy to troubleshoot... Plenty of help here if you have questions


It's hard to get at em, and laying on the floor under the dash is hard on the back. But an easy fix once you get the linkage out. I assembled the linkage outside of the car, then snaked it up under the dash and connected it to the motor and pivot arms. You may want to take the time to replace the seals/gaskets on the pivot arms while your at it as well.

Several threads I searched out here helped me a lot. Tips like soaking them in hot water to soften them up and using plenty on lube were very beneficial.

Take your time and you'll be fine.

On another note thanks for all the advice, even though I never did any mechanic work besides changing a tire with all the great knowledge I get from this site I know I can make light work of my dart. like Divenut said...
Don't be afraid to dive in, city guy or not. There's plenty of city guys, including myself that know how to rock. City guys are prone to getting ripped off. Protect yourself and learn something at the same time.

It's an old car, it's gonna need some love, and no one cares about it like you do. "Pros" have only done it more times. It's the only separation between you and them. None of this car work takes a special talent that is out of the grasp of the majority of us. It's more about getting in and figuring it out than anything else.

These days, more so than ever, you can watch youtube, ask questions on a fourm, download manuals etc. It's super easy to be a pro at everything.

It's all in your drive. Personally, I don't let any one touch my car besides myself, been burned too many times. I've done everything on my car from the transmission rebuild to fabrication work to paint. None of it is rocket science, there are tolerances to everything; and it's in post/manual/video/tech sheet somewhere. I don't consider myself gifted. I just 'want', and rent a place to do it.

I don't mean to be harsh, I just hate seeing people pay for something that they can do themselves, and put that money in the tank.

Don't be a stranger, raise that post count.