Wiring harness

I saw there wiring harness on "Two Guys Garage" the other day. It looks very easy to use, can be custom designed for your needs & eliminates relays & guess work. I would really like to get in touch with them about getting a harness but they are a bit pricey & it would not be a top priority right now. When the Barracuda gets stripped down, it may be time to get one.
those things are really neat.They are really industrial plcs adapted for cars(programable logic controlers)all cars will one day use them.you can control hundreds of devices through one wire.
We were just talking about this over on pro-touring.com, check it out HERE. I'm definitely going to be running it in my Dart, I'm pretty stoked about it and I've got a lot of cool things planned for programming into. We are also running a group buy from pro-touring.com that if your interested you can get in on. It's working out to be a pretty good deal. Check out the ISIS site or the video on v8 tv if you haven't seen it. It's really cool stuff.